Hey guys. Let me start with a little background info on myself and my motives.
I am a registered medical cannabis user with a condition known as reoccurring idiopathic pleurisy. This means that every so often.. for no apparent reason, tissue around my lungs swells and it becomes very painful and difficult to breath.
There is no medically known treatment for this type of pleurisy other then basic (and ineffective) pain killers. The lack of treatment can make every day life extremely difficult.
In light of this disorder, I have always tried to stay away from anything that I was raised to believe was unhealthy to breathe (camp fires, basements, smokey kitchens, cigarette smokers, and of course, cannabis).
But about 4 years ago I found out first hand that the only thing I could use to effectively treat this disorder was cannabis. This was not as good a thing as you may imagine, since I lived in a state that had zero tolerance for cannabis in any amount for any reason. My disorder has caused me to have to move away from my home town, friends, and family so that I can be somewhere I won't get arrested for using a medicine that practically gave my life back to me.
In the middle of an episode, one or two puffs of a joint or a bowl practically immediately relieves me of my symptoms.
Episodes don't occur very often (sometimes twice a week, but usually only 3-5 per month). This means that I use very little amounts of cannabis, which is pleasant for me because I'm one of the lucky ducks that every so often throws up from smoking the plant.
Anywho, sorry for the essay, but I wanted to make my situation clear sense it's going to reflect my grow.
Since I only consume an 8th to a quarter oz of cannabis every month, smaller autoflowering strains are perfect for me. This has lead to my decision to grow lowryder #2. The original lowryder looks like the yield may be too small, even for me, as I have seen people only harvest as little as 6 grams off of one. That's simply not enough for the work put in under my circumstances.
There are other autoflowering strains with similar yields (like easy ryder and various dwarf breeds) but from what I have read, there is still a lot of variation in those newer breeds and it's possible that I could end up with a plant that's too large, takes a long time to grow, and possibly doesn't even auto flower.
(if any of my information above or below is inaccurate, please let me know. I would like to learn everything I can BEFORE I start my grow and run in to fewer obstacles later)
Now on to the blue prints:
Gotta love MS paint.
Anywho, the grow will be done in a closet (the dimensions are in the image)
I'll do a detailed breakdown of everything tomorrow and if anyone can let me know what I may be missing, I'd appreciate it.
I am a registered medical cannabis user with a condition known as reoccurring idiopathic pleurisy. This means that every so often.. for no apparent reason, tissue around my lungs swells and it becomes very painful and difficult to breath.
There is no medically known treatment for this type of pleurisy other then basic (and ineffective) pain killers. The lack of treatment can make every day life extremely difficult.
In light of this disorder, I have always tried to stay away from anything that I was raised to believe was unhealthy to breathe (camp fires, basements, smokey kitchens, cigarette smokers, and of course, cannabis).
But about 4 years ago I found out first hand that the only thing I could use to effectively treat this disorder was cannabis. This was not as good a thing as you may imagine, since I lived in a state that had zero tolerance for cannabis in any amount for any reason. My disorder has caused me to have to move away from my home town, friends, and family so that I can be somewhere I won't get arrested for using a medicine that practically gave my life back to me.
In the middle of an episode, one or two puffs of a joint or a bowl practically immediately relieves me of my symptoms.
Episodes don't occur very often (sometimes twice a week, but usually only 3-5 per month). This means that I use very little amounts of cannabis, which is pleasant for me because I'm one of the lucky ducks that every so often throws up from smoking the plant.
Anywho, sorry for the essay, but I wanted to make my situation clear sense it's going to reflect my grow.
Since I only consume an 8th to a quarter oz of cannabis every month, smaller autoflowering strains are perfect for me. This has lead to my decision to grow lowryder #2. The original lowryder looks like the yield may be too small, even for me, as I have seen people only harvest as little as 6 grams off of one. That's simply not enough for the work put in under my circumstances.
There are other autoflowering strains with similar yields (like easy ryder and various dwarf breeds) but from what I have read, there is still a lot of variation in those newer breeds and it's possible that I could end up with a plant that's too large, takes a long time to grow, and possibly doesn't even auto flower.
(if any of my information above or below is inaccurate, please let me know. I would like to learn everything I can BEFORE I start my grow and run in to fewer obstacles later)
Now on to the blue prints:
Gotta love MS paint.
Anywho, the grow will be done in a closet (the dimensions are in the image)
I'll do a detailed breakdown of everything tomorrow and if anyone can let me know what I may be missing, I'd appreciate it.