Hello again, BK. Just to comment on the hempys. As stated before, my buddy is on his third grow with them. Almost any problem you run into, from over fert. to any deficiencies you may encounter can be dealt with immediately. All he does is give it a good flush, let it take in nothing but H2O for 24 hours, and then go right back to regular dose of nutes, and within the next 24-36 hours, it's like nothing was ever wrong. It's amazingly simple. He no longer has the need for ph meters, ppm, etc. Soil is definitely not so forgiving. Not quite sure about your germination problem, but there are some real expert growers here. Maybe look up FullDuplex or Muddy. They seem to have everything dialed in. No disrespect to all the other top notch growers here. Those were the first two that came to mind since I've read so many of their posts.