Lighting Blue Himalaya Diesel CFL grow

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Hello all of my AFN frends (i did not misspell this there is no "i" in frends!) lol anyways i have just started my next grow and would like to take who ever would like for a little ride down HBD lane. So to let you all in on what i have brewing up.

My plan is to stagger my harvest every couple of weeks not necessarily perpetual because i have a couple of photo plants (OG13 and Mazar Kush) that were freebies so once i run through all 10 HBD seeds i will flower those freebies and then start some more autos when i begin to flush the photos.

Anyways i will be only doing weekly updates unless i run into problems and need some help from all you experienced folks.

To get all you kind people up to date heres what i have going on
Strain(s): Short Stuff Blue Himalaya Diesel 10 pack Reg
G 13 - OG 13 (photo)
World of Seeds - Mazar Kush (photo)

Germination: paper towel in a zip lock all popped within 48 hours then into styrofoam cups... I usually use party cups but found that styrofoam is much much easier for the tiered method... once they sex they will be going into 1.5 gal airpots
i lost one seedling not really sure what happened it was actually the first to pop in the paper towel but when it sprouted it was yellow/light light light green and just shrivled up and died in a couple days... :no: but thats okay i only popped 4 so for those unable to do math in your stoned stupor i still got 6 left! And i plan on doing a seed run on the first female of the bunch.

Light: currently ~300 watts CFL mostly 6500K spectrum with a couple 3200K
im running my lights 24/0 once the HBD starts flowering i will be switching to 20/4

Soil: Fox Farms Happy frog for the HBD...
Fox Farms Ocean Forrest for the photo strains

Nutes: Fox farms trio

So if you have any questions let me know tomorrow will be the end of week 1 so i will update with pictures.

I last watered them yesterday and give them about 1/4 strength big bloom. I know its a little early but the big bloom is supposedly safe to use from seedling to end. last grow i didnt use it until a few weeks in but i think i wanna try to push it a bit more. Does anyone know how HBD takes nutes? is she senseitive? hungry? or just average?

Any ways cant wait til mid-late august when these will be curing in jars.
Sorry for the novel! pics tomorrow!

Look forward to sharing with you guys/gals
Cant wait to see the pics Ive heard good things about HBD im a newbie so im still experimenting with them. My 1st batch was a nightmare but the 2nd crop is looking strong i put up some pics let me know what you think.

Thanks... yeah i have heard nothing but good things about HBD as well i cant wait to be hooting about it in a couple months. BTW welcome to AFN hope you stay a while... read as much as you can and you will learn ALOT! good luck on your second grow... how far along are you ill keep an eye for your grow

Well today is officially one week... growth looks good i will be watering either tomorrow or wed (last water was sat) with 1/2 strength Big Bloom. I think i will germ 3 more seeds this upcoming weekend so that they will be about 2 weeks behind these three.

Heres a picture of them.

Thoughts or comments appriciated,
Oh BTW here is the one that died on me not really sure what happened with it... it just sprouted yellow/light light light green then just shriveled up and died by day 3 it was the first one to pop a taproot and to sprout so not really sure what went wrong... any ideas?

I'm growing BHD too under 250w cfl,thinking about getting an led.

Yeah i am too i still havent decided if im gonna go the hps or led route... i was thinking i could probably run a 250w hps without air cooling because im in a cool basement with ambient temps of ~60. the only thing stopping me from led is the price and then i would probably have to run a heater to keep it warm enough. As much as i am interested in the blackstar my brain keeps telling me to get the top of the line led. how far along are your HBD(s)?

seems you started nutes alittle early ,at least for me.i dont add ferts till sexing i have one at 10 weeks.i started ferts on week 3 then half dose 2 times a week till now-will flush 2 weeks then cut.good luck with yours-
100_5123.jpgthis is 10 weeks
Little T,

Wow that pic is amazing... i can only hope mine is similar!.... with the ferts i know its was a bit early but it is the Big Bloom which has an NPK of 0.01-0.3-0.7 they say its safe to use from seedling to harvest and that you can use it with every watering... so im thinking i will only use it every other watering.

when do you planning on chopping yours? i was hoping to chop by week 9 but if your are still going i guess i should probably wait a little longer. What kinda trichs are you looking at?
