New Grower Blue dream

Good luck on your grow man! I'm a blueberry junkie. Just remember keep it simple, give her,lots of love and dont over do it with nutes and watch those genetics shine.
Day 8 Blue Dream Auto
I've made a couple of mistakes but hoping I've not caused to much damage . In my hurry to get the bean into the ground I forgot to add a teaspoon of Epsom salts I'm hoping that I may be able to add this as a top dressing and work it into the soil. Because of the temperature changes outside I'm struggling to keep a constant temp , I also think that i may have used water to wet the pots, with water that was to cold , the first set of true leaves that came out are a very dark green healthy colour how ever the next set that are coming out are a purple colour I'm not sure if that is the strain or because of some thing I did or didn't do , any advice on this would be gratefully received . Today I wet the pot very lightly with water that was ph to 6.5 plus I added a very small amount of seaweed extract from maxicrop .
Day 8 pics


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Hi guys day 17 of the Blue Dream Auto , the plant looks healthy . I've been mist spraying the leaves with nitrozyme today I'm going to give it a very small feed with seaweed extract from maxi crop filtered water ph to 6.5 . It's still under a 300 watt led and the temps are holding between 24 and 29 the humidity is a little difficult at the moment any thing between 40% and 50%.


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Day 24 Blue Dream Auto I had a check last night and this little lady is full of white whiskers, I've been giving her a little misting every other day with nitro spray , the temps have been holding at about 27c humidity around the 55 mark . Believe it or not I'm growing this little girl in a cardboard box lined with foil. My grow tent is full at the moment but she seems to be doing ok . She is still under a 300 w led I did get a 80w blue led light but I think I'm going to stick with the 300 for this grow .
Tomorrow I will give her a little water with some seaweed extract from maxi crop .


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:gassy:To add to the above I've started tucking under those big fan leaves to give the branches underneath much needed light , hope this is right.