Indoor Blue Dream matic, Rasp cough, Purple Bliss

May 13, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Ended up with eight WWXXLs by Dinafem as a substitute for what I ordered, and not having time to deal with waiting I planted them anyway. Got five out of the eight to germinate. Rest of the seeds are still on the seed starting mat.

Organic soil mix: Bag of greenhouse potting soil, bag of mushroom compost, 1/8 cup bone meal, 1/8 cup blood meal, a sprinkle of Epsom salts, about 1/3 the entire volume added perlite.

Water: Rainwater

Getting two new cheap lights to add to the lighting this week.
Of ten WWXXL seeds, one remains. I traditionally have zero issue sprouting vegetable seeds, grow everything from seed in the garden, even the onions. The latest few batches of seeds I've purchased or been given as bonus seed have all had very poor germination rates. So I have two little Dark Devils to replace them as I plant the Blue Dream'matic today.
I was having same issue this summer. I forgot to consider ambient temperature and the difference it would make in my germination methods. Getting seeds to pop on heat mats when ambient is 70 is no problem. When ambient was 100 I was cooking those little bastards. Made lots of very expensive mush this year. Live and learn I guess
Oh man, I did the same thing mid-summer. I woke up the morning after I sat them on the seed mat and realized that it keeps the temp 20 degrees above ambient. Live and learn is correct. Going to rename my thread now, WW is basically out of the picture.
Just moved two of three purple bliss plants into the 12/12, they were very very slow growing and I had other plants to deal with so I let them veg all summer. Their internodal spacing is pretty awesome at this point, but they are only about 2 feet tall. Breeder told me they double in size once flipped so we'll see how it goes.
Out of five Blue Dream matic, so far only one sprouted. I am suddenly becoming very unhappy with my seed suppliers. Of the literally thousands of seeds of all types I've planted in my long life, germ rates are nearly always at least 70% and often over 90%. Even seeds I've had to stratify for six months in the fridge have had better outcomes. I do not understand, except to wonder how old these seeds are by the time they make it to the states. I am certainly not blaming the breeders. sigh
yikes :vibes::goodluck::karmacloud::watering:
i have a summer and winter area that i germ seeds.never grown any fruit n veg.seeds are stored in the arse of a drawer.ive recently germed a chemdogging thats allmost as old as guesstimate my germ rate at 78% over maybe 6 years.have only lost 1 or two after they popped up.
good luck n keep er lit