Lighting Blackstar LEDs Question

Aug 19, 2012
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Are they all the same company/lights? I see one is in Cal. and 2 others in NY. I think I have just researched too much and cause brain farts with these LEDs. :no:
Thanks, Pierce
I know that the company that makes them and sells them is Gotham Hydro in NY.
According to Muddy--Gotham out of NY is the distributor. My research indicates the producer is out of Cal. You can check it some more. We would all be curious. You might send Gotham an email for clarification. I just received a replacement for my year old 240W. It is running right now, and I note the components have changed. Honestly, it looks more in line with cost cutting. And it could be my imagination, but I am now concerned about it covering a 3' by 2' area. However, you know how growers are--hyper vigilant :o.
My understanding is that they are made in China and that Gotham is their US distributor. They should all be the same lights.
My understanding is that they are made in China and that Gotham is their US distributor. They should all be the same lights.

Now that makes me go hmmm... I have read alot of good things about Blackstar but I have also read to stay away from China made LEDs. The Cali based Blackstar says don't buy from China but they don't say theirs are not china-made. hmmm. I just wrote the Cali place asking what the deal is. Will post their reply when I get it.
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and Blackstar LED of Cali said "Hello, Our blackstar line ships from Gotham Hydro in New York. All LED grow lights are made in china. The engineering takes place in the USA, and the products are built in china. If you have anymore questions please email us."

Guess I will go with the 240w Blackstar and order from Gotham Hydro(thru Amazom, same price, no tax and free shipping )

My understanding is that they are made in China and that Gotham is their US distributor. They should all be the same lights.

Muddy--At one time I read in an ebay description that they were made in Taiwan. Not so now, Same difference. But, there is a company in Cal. with a site which almost appears to be the parent co. of the BlackStar LED, but as piercedc states above they are not. And I believe they refer customers to Gotham. Check it out.
They sure do make some statements on that Ebay site. I will give them a try. Now if I can just find some 4 week start to finish autos. :D
I think that is pretty accurate. Far as I'm aware just about all of the LEDs available today are engineered here and built in China.

Call Gotham directly, don't order off of Amazon or even Gotham's web site. They will throw you a small discount if you call them directly. Mention you are a forum member.

and Blackstar LED of Cali said "Hello, Our blackstar line ships from Gotham Hydro in New York. All LED grow lights are made in china. The engineering takes place in the USA, and the products are built in china. If you have anymore questions please email us."

Guess I will go with the 240w Blackstar and order from Gotham Hydro(thru Amazom, same price, no tax and free shipping )
