Indoor Blackdog Phytomax 1000

Well the seeds are in paper towels on the coffee maker. Should have tails tonight..
I wasn't sure what to grow so I opened the seed vault and randomly picked 2 packs of seeds. Just so happens I got two strains from @FastBuds so.... Six Shooter and Pineapple Express it is. That should be a tentful..
All my pots are pre-soaked and getting up to temp. I'm pretty sure I got tap roots on all 10 seeds so I'll start planting tonight when I get home.
It seems as though it took forever to get ready, maybe I'm just tired.

All 10 had tails.... One of the six shooters really wanted to go. It grew right out of the casing in less than 20hrs. I'm not to sure it'll come up but I planted them all.

Light is 56" above pots,
temp is between 84°- high and 75°- low
RH 16% I only put home made humidomes on 6