Dragon Meds Black Fairy BX Black Stone

my old cam barely functions. I have 2 cameras and an f/1.1 lens in the post office. Waiting for river ice to get good for travel, excited about my new toys. Been fighting a devolving camera for a couple of years.

Well with me the cameras have gotten better but my photography skills still suck

Waiting for new toys is always fun...

Pawn shop and Craig list is the best bet for cameras and parts. I talk people down from hundreds of dollars lol set a price on a few like 100$ and if they dont sell the people get back to you for the low price you offered. I got my Nikon D40 3 lenses and a case for 230$ 5 years ago.
Been under the weather for a while... so plants are sadly neglected... good thing they will still work for hash



Man, hope you are back in the saddle soon! Never though neglect could look so good

Thanks Trail.... they are pretty sad in person... but hey, I finally found a time my shitty photography skills come in handy so that's a plus

Never have recovered from that accident over a year ago... never will.... and at my age it's starting to wear on me... bad

I havent even been able to keep up on defol, feed, or lights...

They want to pump me full of morphine 24/7 but I do CBD instead... it's the only thing that has kept me going this long.

Not too many more grows left in this old stoner.
