Humboldt Seed Organization Black D.O.G. in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket


Day 66 counting from the day the seed was put in moist paper towels. I think I might let her go another week before switching to 12/12.

She still only gets MC V1 and sporadic Cal-Mag Pro. She still doesn't tolerate more than 20 ppms (0.5 conv) of Ca-Mag Pro, and MC any higher than 0.7 EC (includes 0.1 from my tap water) starts showing yellow tips.

Today I set the light 24 inches above canopy. This way DLI should be about 14.26... obviously it's not within optimal ranges, but still trying to see how bad it would be to be bellow the "optimum" settings. Next run I'll focus on providing optimal settings.

Min temp: 17 C (62F); Max: 25 C (77F)
RH: 50%-65%

A few pics form this morning.
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Now we are talking and seeing much more vigorous growth :pass:

Accidents do occur mate especially with LST, you can easlisy snap a branch but it happens and now you can not even tell it's happened :thumbsup:

I would do a little defoliation, veg for another 7 day's maybe 10 then start the flower show :pass:

Looking great in here :thumbsup:

Kind regards

Now we are talking and seeing much more vigorous growth :pass:

Accidents do occur mate especially with LST, you can easlisy snap a branch but it happens and now you can not even tell it's happened :thumbsup:

I would do a little defoliation, veg for another 7 day's maybe 10 then start the flower show :pass:

Looking great in here :thumbsup:

Kind regards



I do feel some leaves must go since they are overlaping and generating wetspots... but I don't have defoliating down yet and i kinda fear it, so not sure i want to practice with this plant.
Regardless of defoliating, I was actually considering flipping into 12/12 this incoming week or at max. the next one in hopes of seeing what 72-80 days of veg would produce...
so i think i will follow your advice!

And as a quick update, let me inform that she is 21.6 inches / 55 cm from the light, and still can't take more than 0.7 EC of MegaCrop v1. she gets fertigated twice per day now with first watering at 0.6 EC (including 15 ppms of Ca-Mg) and second at 0.4 EC (no ca-mg). VPD is in check.

Unexpectedly, the 5 main colas are shorter than all their own branches which just keep stretching! I'm excited to see what the final structure will be like!

here are some pics from yesterday (day 71 from seed in moist ppaper)

pic of one of the big fan leaves (day 70)
Quick pic update

Pics taken this morning on her 74th day since she was put in moist paper towel.








I wanted to flip into 12/12 today, but since she might not stretch at all, I decided to flip into 12/12 next weekend to give her an add week.I have not been able to defoliate her...

Today is day 82 counting from the moment the seed was put in moist paper towel. There are roots coming out even from the main stalk! Tomorrow I flip into 12/12. Plant canopy is 18.5 inches from the light. Each of the 5 main colas measures 9-10 inches tall (just the vertical part), while several of the branches that grew from horizontal parts of the mains are an inch or so taller. Everything is ready in case it’s a stretchy phenotype.

I feel I have a slight N and Mg def which i haven’t been able to tackle by increasing either CalMag Pro or MC v1, or changing pH. I have tried feeding above 0.7 EC (Mc v1 + aprox. 20 ppm (.5 conv) of CalMag Pro) but started getting yellow tips again. I will keep Epsom salts at hand for flowering, but seeing how delicate this strain has been, not sure really how much to use of it.
I wasn’t planning on using Bud Explosion, but temptation is stronger this time!

Temps have dropped, and humidity has raised. But VPD seems to be in check.

Here are some pics from today, her last day of vegetative photoperiod!
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Today is day 82 counting from the moment the seed was put in moist paper towel. There are roots coming out even from the main stalk! Tomorrow I flip into 12/12. Plant canopy is 18.5 inches from the light. Each of the 5 main colas measures 9-10 inches tall (just the vertical part), while several of the branches that grew from horizontal parts of the mains are an inch or so taller. Everything is ready in case it’s a stretchy phenotype.

I feel I have a slight Mg def that i haven’t been able to tackle by increasing either CalMag Pro or MC v1, or changing pH. I have tried feeding above 0.7 EC (Mc v1 + aprox. 20 ppm (.5 conv) of CalMag Pro) but started getting yellow tips again. I will keep Epsom salts at hand for flowering, but seeing how delicate this strain has been, no sure really how much to use of it.
I wasn’t planning on using Bud Explosion, but temptation is stronger this time!

Temps have dropped, and humidity has raised. But VPD seems to be in check.

Here are some pics from today, her last day of vegetative photoperiod!
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Jeeezz, That's one crazy looking leaf :pass:

Time to flip that switch to bloom (12/12) then the real fun can begin :thumbsup:

Have you though about doing anymore defoliation prior to flower?

I think it would be very beneficial my friend :bong:

Looking fantastic in here :slap:

Kind regards

Jeeezz, That's one crazy looking leaf :pass:

Time to flip that switch to bloom (12/12) then the real fun can begin :thumbsup:

Have you though about doing anymore defoliation prior to flower?

I think it would be very beneficial my friend :bong:

Looking fantastic in here :slap:

Kind regards


Thanks! She has been flipped!

This run i don't think I will defoliate, neither do i plan to use a PK boost (Bud Explonsion). I do tuck leaves every day to help light penetrate a bit. I feel i just suck at defoliating... I haven't practiced it much, so I usually cowardly run away from it. Usually only do it to reduce RH if necessary. That big fat leaf is the only one I removed recently and did it just to store it in my leaf collection (my first fat leave)!

What I do promise is that I will take clones from the clone/mother I have from this Black D.O.G. and on a next runs, try defoliating on them as well as using Bud Explosion to see differences.

Today is day 88 counting from the moment the seed was put in moist paper towel. The plant has been 6 days under 12/12 photoperiod. Plant canopy is 16 inches from the light, and plant to keep this distance until stretching stops.

The deficiency symptoms (N, Mg and some K) have stopped spreading. I was making the mistake of having the second daily watering less concentrated than the first one. Now both have the same EC and I even increased overall dosage to 0.7-0.8 EC and things got better.

Here are some pics from today in the morning. I started putting a same sized pot next to the plant in some pictures for size reference:

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Today is day 88 counting from the moment the seed was put in moist paper towel. The plant has been 6 days under 12/12 photoperiod. Plant canopy is 16 inches from the light, and plant to keep this distance until stretching stops.

The deficiency symptoms (N, Mg and some K) have stopped spreading. I was making the mistake of having the second daily watering less concentrated than the first one. Now both have the same EC and I even increased overall dosage to 0.7-0.8 EC and things got better.

Here are some pics from today in the morning. I started putting a same sized pot next to the plant in some pictures for size reference:

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She's a fair size lady mate and can't wait to see this one in full bloom :pass:

I would try to get some support structure in play buddy as those stems are going to pack on some serious weight :thumbsup:

What I do promise is that I will take clones from the clone/mother I have from this Black D.O.G. and on a next runs, try defoliating on them as well as using Bud Explosion to see differences.

Good decision mate :thumbsup:

This will give you a feel for this strain/pheno and with round 2 you can do some testing with boosters and defoliation :pass:

Keep the updates coming mate as things are about to get real interesting and fast :cheers:

Kind regards

Quick Pic Update

Black D.O.G. on her day 95 since she was put on moist paper towels... and the last 13 of those days she has been under 12/12 photoperiod.

I couldn't resist the temptation, and today I began her first Bud Explosion dose by adding just 36 ppms of it to the feeding. Total EC is 0.919 now (mc1+be+calmag pro) . I'm still keeping the autocob light at 41 cm / 16 inches from the light, and plan to keep it this way until it stops stretching.

Pics taken this morning.





If everything turns out well this week, in 15 days I should have a new 1Pot autopot system to play with!