Humboldt Seed Organization Black D.O.G. in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket

Now that's one happy and healthy looking plant :thumbsup:

The low temps will be slowing growth a little but apart from that's she's progressing really well mate :pass:

Happy and healthy just what we want to see :thumbsup:

Are you going to top and train buddy?

Kind regards


Thanks! She always looks a bit droopy to me, but temps, low humidity, and too moist coco (i didn't prepapre my coco as thoroughly as i usually do this time and i can tell it's soggier) must be the reason and I'm not going to actively address those issues unless really necesary... but will have in mind for the next run.

I will mainline it (or manifold it...? not sure yet) for 8 colas. Will do first top this weekend. I could've began earlier but i wanted to let it grow a bit more to clone the cuttings... seems I might get 3 clones out of this babe!
Will do first top this weekend. I could've began earlier but i wanted to let it grow a bit more to clone the cuttings... seems I might get 3 clones out of this babe!

You've played it perfectly mate :pass:

I would definitely clone the cuts my friend, we don't like waist and they will produce great plant's :thumbsup:

An 8 cola plant, this should be fun :bong:

Kind regards


A few days ago I gave 50 ppm (0.5 conv) of Cal-Mag Pro since i was noticing Mg def increasing (had been giving 30 ppm) and next day some tips were yellow and others starting to point down. @HSO-Mark , you were right, quite a delicate plant regarding nutes. So shes being fed a max of 0.6 EC MC v1 including max 30 ppm of CalMag Pro.

The day i noticed the yellow tips, I also saw a little bug walking around the substrate and in my effort to try to capture to ID it, i think i damaged several roots that were starting to surface and seems that caused some strange spots on one of the fan leaves. I think the bugs are root aphids, but also seem to look like some beneficial nematodes (cucumeris?) or soil mites. Assuming they are aphids, I did a substrate drench using Azamax and plan to repeat in a couple of days until I see none walking around.

Other than that, I think it's all well hehhehe. Began mainlining last weekend... now have three cutting in peat/perlite mix hoping they will root. Today I tied the two new mains. Think I will manifold instead of normal mainline to save a few days.

Two pics from the 13th just before beginning mainlining. She was 37 days old here (counting from when i put the seed to germinate)

Some pics of the plant taken today

Pics of the bugs

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A few days ago I gave 50 ppm (0.5 conv) of Cal-Mag Pro since i was noticing Mg def increasing (had been giving 30 ppm) and next day some tips were yellow and others starting to point down. @HSO-Mark , you were right, quite a delicate plant regarding nutes. So shes being fed a max of 0.6 EC MC v1 including max 30 ppm of CalMag Pro.

The day i noticed the yellow tips, I also saw a little bug walking around the substrate and in my effort to try to capture to ID it, i think i damaged several roots that were starting to surface and seems that caused some strange spots on one of the fan leaves. I think the bugs are root aphids, but also seem to look like some beneficial nematodes (cucumeris?) or soil mites. Assuming they are aphids, I did a substrate drench using Azamax and plan to repeat in a couple of days until I see none walking around.

Other than that, I think it's all well hehhehe. Began mainlining last weekend... now have three cutting in peat/perlite mix hoping they will root. Today I tied the two new mains. Think I will manifold instead of normal mainline to save a few days.

Some pics of the plant
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Pics of the bugs

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Definitely got a small bug issue which I will have a good look at and try to identify for you mate :thumbsup:

Are you seeing any "larve" or any movement on the top of your medium?

Nice to see you have cut back nutrients slightly :thumbsup:

Topping and training looks good at this early stage :pass:

Nice update my friend :bong:

Kind regards

Definitely got a small bug issue which I will have a good look at and try to identify for you mate :thumbsup:

Are you seeing any "larve" or any movement on the top of your medium?

Nice to see you have cut back nutrients slightly :thumbsup:

Topping and training looks good at this early stage :pass:

Nice update my friend :bong:

Kind regards



no larva, though. I do have springtails which i find on the upper part of the medium and in the runoff, and those unidentified bugs from the pics in my last update... a very few of them on upper part of the medium. i'm thinking they are beneficial nematodes (or soil mites as Waira said in the Infirmary). I see one of them randomly walking on leaves but it's like it's looking for something and never finds it heheheh... it moves quite fast too, and doesn't leave any trace. i've been spraying the plant and drenching the substrate using azamax and they are still there... which leads me to believe they are not feeding of any part of the plant, so no problem with me, but gotta wait a few more azamax session to see if they're still around.
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Today she turned 45 days old since putting her seed in a moist paper towel. She is at 28-29 inches from the light, i tried getting here closer and she started canoeing.

Almost a week after last update and I still feed her pretty much the same EC of Mega Crop and Cal-Mag Pro. Runoff comes out at about 170-180 ppms lower than what i put in (250-300), so I think I could be able to increase dosage a bit now but don't think I will yet.. maybe after i do the second/final pruning of the manifold technique. Today I took off a pair of leaves that were blocking light for four of the eight future "main" colas of the manifold; they were from the nodes that I need to remove soon for the manifold so no problem.

Now some pics...

Before and after removing the two leaves





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nice green leaves,taking off now :smokeit:
bugs....if they stay in the pot and dont multipy :cool1: if they good bugs :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit
:face: Update :face:

i guess there's a first time for everything!!! broke my first branch LSTing! not sure really how it happened!!! and i was so confident I was actually goood at LSTing!

this is what happened.... yesterday i went ahead with the second/final top for an 8 mains manifold and decided to do this early in the morning, before I watered/fed... after the top i went ahead and started tying down stuff and one of the main stalks cracked a bit... I almost freaked out... put some aloe on the wound and let it be. all good up to here really.

pics before topping and tying

BUT then, i started watering the plant and about 5 second after being watered, the opposite stalk to the one I had cracked just broke and fell off by it self!!! WTF!!! I didn't even touch a leaf while watering nor did I move the bucket!!!

pics after topping and tying, before watering (right branch is the one cracked between 1st and 2nd node; left one is the one that broke after watering)


picc after being watered, after the branch just broke by itself, between the 2nd and 3rd node, where the first tie had been before


I assume I bent it too much and the watering made lots of fluid flow through the stalk and that it tried to straighten up but found a restriction and the opposite force broke it?? The broken stalk and the opposing one that cracked both had the crack/brake happen in the curve where the prior tied had been placed so I imagine that the tie must have also been too tight and had already weakened the stalk in that area.

really, first time this happens to me, but it also happens to be the first time I grow an Indica dominant strain, and stem do seem to go hard faster. i guess i have to bend them slower and after watering, and maybe i shouldn't have tried to make it so flat so fast...

anyhow... I guess now I have a 6 mains manifold... no sure how evenly it will grow but i just hope I don't keep braking it because i still have more bending to do!!! Good thing is i might have an additional clone to play with since I took the broken tip and put it to clone .
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Day 59 counting from the day the seed was put in moist paper towels. Idea was to have an 8 cola manifold, but due to clumsiness, now there are only 5 colas. I've cracked and broken several stems and tips, so development has been even slower than before, but there's no rush. Just glad I'm learning in the process. Did 3 applications of Azamax and there are no more bugs around, not even springtails.

She only gets MC V1 and sporadic Cal-Mag Pro. She doesn't tolerate more than 20 ppms (0.5 conv) of Ca-Mag Pro. Began this weekend a higher dose of MC of at 0.6-0.7 EC. (this includes 0.1 from my tap water)
Light is at 27-8 inches.
Min temp: 17 C (62F); Max: 25 C (77F)
RH: 47%-55%

A few pics form this morning.




Day 66 counting from the day the seed was put in moist paper towels. I think I might let her go another week before switching to 12/12.

She still only gets MC V1 and sporadic Cal-Mag Pro. She still doesn't tolerate more than 20 ppms (0.5 conv) of Ca-Mag Pro, and MC any higher than 0.7 EC (includes 0.1 from my tap water) starts showing yellow tips.

Today I set the light 24 inches above canopy. This way DLI should be about 14.26... obviously it's not within optimal ranges, but still trying to see how bad it would be to be bellow the "optimum" settings. Next run I'll focus on providing optimal settings.

Min temp: 17 C (62F); Max: 25 C (77F)
RH: 50%-65%

A few pics form this morning.
