Humboldt Seed Organization Black D.O.G. in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket


Still learning a lot!
Cultivators Club
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
VAPING: Go-Go Auto, Bloody Skunk Auto, Cream Mandarine Auto, Deez Nugs, 24Caratx3BOG, amazingly-tasty-unkown-strain
Hello! Finally... I have begun my Dinafem and HSO run! I first began with an Auto Haze 2.0 from Dinafem but i stepped on it during the germination process. Seeing it might not make it alive, i started a Black D.O.G. seed from Humbolt Seed Org and it seems to be doing well so I decided to come here and begin a journal on it.

The seed was put in moist paper on June 7th; put in peat/perlite mix on the 11th, and today it surfaced.


Growing specs are as follows:
-24" x 24" x 56" (2'x2'x4.6') grow tent.
-7 Lt hempy bucket with all coco-coir, and perlite in the reservoir (put on autopot system during mid flower)
-One 60-65 watt Autocob (3500K) from @BigSm0 at Will begin at 36+ inches from the plant, and let the plant grow into it.
-GreenLeaf Nutrients food (Mega Crop V1, Cal-Mag Pro, Bud Exsplosion) . Still haven't fed the baby with them. Just tap water.

Any input is appreciated!
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Hello! Finally... I have begun my Dinafem and HSO run! I first began with an Auto Haze 2.0 from Dinafem but i stepped on it during the germination process. Seeing it might not make it alive, i started a Black D.O.G. seed from Humbolt Seed Org and it seems to be doing well so I decided to come here and begin a journal on it.

The seed was put in moist paper on June 7th; put in peat/perlite mix on the 11th, and today it surfaced.

View attachment 1070990 View attachment 1070991

Growing specs are as follows:
-24" x 24" x 56" (2'x2'x4.6') grow tent.
-7 Lt hempy bucket with all coco-coir, and perlite in the reservoir
-One 65 watt Autocob (3500K) from @BigSm0 at Will begin at 36+ inches from the plant, and let the plant grow into it.
-GreenLeaf Nutrients food (Mega Crop V1, Cal-Mag Pro, Bud Exsplosion) . Still haven't fed the baby with them. Just tap water.

Any input is appreciated!

Nice to see another HSO photoperiod grow up and running on the AFN :thumbsup:

You won't go far wrong with our Black D.O.G my friend :pass:

One of our easier photoperiod strains to grow, very easy to manage , can be a little sensitive to high feed so I would keep that in mind :thumbsup:

You'll do fine mate, let's see what you can do with this legendary emerald triangle treasure :pass:

Kind regards

Nice to see another HSO photoperiod grow up and running on the AFN :thumbsup:

You won't go far wrong with our Black D.O.G my friend :pass:

One of our easier photoperiod strains to grow, very easy to manage , can be a little sensitive to high feed so I would keep that in mind :thumbsup:

You'll do fine mate, let's see what you can do with this legendary emerald triangle treasure :pass:

Kind regards


thanks! i really wanted to do a run with an authentic auto strain... clumsy me damaging the only real auto seed I had! but the black D.o.g seems very promising!!! i'm very excited!

oh and thanks for the heads up on the feeding sensitivity! will keep in mind.
thanks! i really wanted to do a run with an authentic auto strain... clumsy me damaging the only real auto seed I had! but the black D.o.g seems very promising!!! i'm very excited!

oh and thanks for the heads up on the feeding sensitivity! will keep in mind.

My pleasure mate :thumbsup:

Going be an interesting one which we will be watching with interest :pass:

Kind regards


15 days since I put her on moist paper towels. surely not going at ideal speed, but she's alive and green. i allowed her to stretch a bit but got her closer to the light today.
After i planted her in her final hempy bucket ( pure coco with perlite in reservoir), she's had two waterings/feedings, both at 0.45EC (0.1 ec of the water + 0.1 ec of ca-mg + 0.15 ec mc)... both with runoff slightly lower than input.
I think the twisting and little droopiness you see is due to too humid coco... not enough oxygen in the rootzone... this run is with new coco that i felt from the very beginning wasn't as airy as last cococoir i used and i didn't rinse as thoroughly as i usually do, but i went with it anyways. i recently read early ca def in seelding can make leaves twist... so will try to water more frequently hoping to add some oxygen and with ca-mg added just in case.

pics from yesterday

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15 days since I put her on moist paper towels. surely not going at ideal speed, but she's alive and green. i allowed her to stretch a bit but got her closer to the light today.
After i planted her in her final hempy bucket ( pure coco with perlite in reservoir), she's had two waterings/feedings, both at 0.45EC (0.1 ec of the water + 0.1 ec of ca-mg + 0.15 ec mc)... both with runoff slightly lower than input.
I think the twisting and little droopiness you see is due to too humid coco... not enough oxygen in the rootzone... this run is with new coco that i felt from the very beginning wasn't as airy as last cococoir i used and i didn't rinse as thoroughly as i usually do, but i went with it anyways. i recently read early ca def in seelding can make leaves twist... so will try to water more frequently hoping to add some oxygen and with ca-mg added just in case.

pics from yesterday

A slow start which looks to now be kicking into a more normal growth rate :pass:

Let's see how she's done over the last 2 week's :thumbsup:

Kind regards

best of luck with the black dog , its surely on my list to grow . will be nice to see how it turns out
A slow start which looks to now be kicking into a more normal growth rate :pass:

Let's see how she's done over the last 2 week's :thumbsup:

Kind regards


This is her today. Night temps drop to 17-18 C... so i'm thinking the hempy bucket method and cold temps are the mian reasons for its speed. I plan to mainline her but will wait a bit longer before starting. Nice fat leaves... first time for me.


best of luck with the black dog , its surely on my list to grow . will be nice to see how it turns out

thanks! pretty excited myself... I would really love to get the black pheno!

This girl turned 34 days old today (counting from the day the seed was put in moist paper towel). Right now she sits at 27.5 inches form the light. She 6 inches tall.

I was feeding MegaCrop V1 at 0.2-0.3 EC but cotys started yellowing the past days so now I increased feed to 0.4-0.5 EC. I gave CaMg supplements until i started seeing the tips of the central blade in the 3 bladed and singles bladed leaves turning a little yellow... but yesterday one of the single bladed leaves developed a small brown spot close to the tip, so today i began giving CaMg again (0.1 EC).
A little slow still, but i think its expected with the low temps and the light source, and I'm happy so far.

Here are some pic from yesterday:





single bladed leaves



3 bladed leaves


This girl turned 34 days old today (counting from the day the seed was put in moist paper towel). Right now she sits at 27.5 inches form the light. She 6 inches tall.

I was feeding MegaCrop V1 at 0.2-0.3 EC but cotys started yellowing the past days so now I increased feed to 0.4-0.5 EC. I gave CaMg supplements until i started seeing the tips of the central blade in the 3 bladed and singles bladed leaves turning a little yellow... but yesterday one of the single bladed leaves developed a small brown spot close to the tip, so today i began giving CaMg again (0.1 EC).
A little slow still, but i think its expected with the low temps and the light source, and I'm happy so far.

Here are some pic from yesterday:





single bladed leaves



3 bladed leaves


Now that's one happy and healthy looking plant :thumbsup:

The low temps will be slowing growth a little but apart from that's she's progressing really well mate :pass:

Happy and healthy just what we want to see :thumbsup:

Are you going to top and train buddy?

Kind regards
