Photoperiod Bixit learns to grow. Indoor QB LED.

Update on day 3 after they broke ground :woohoo:


Tuning the light distance and output as one of them was stretching a bit.
Now i guess we wait for the roots to pop out the bottom so i can fill up the buckets :pass:
Was thinking about doing a top-feed, but it will have to be on the next run. Cash is tight, temperatures are low and electricity is damn pricey right now :rofl:
Got the timelapse camera up and running!
Will be taking snapshots every 10 minutes, so hopefully i will have some decent footage once this grow is done :baked:
Day 11 update

RIP top one.
At about day 7 it just kind of toppled over by itself. I saw the stem was insanely thin compared to the other one.
No idea if i did anything wrong or if it was just a bad seed... Did the exact same thing to both of them.
Tried burying the stem, but so far it just keeps withering.

Since i don't have any feminized seeds, i went ahead and gambled on a Northern Lights by Delicious seeds.
I also popped an auto Purple Ryder, same as i did in my last grow. Just gonna grow that one in soil in a smaller pot as an experiment, cause i was not really pleased with my results from it last run.

As for the DWC part i'm still learning lol. Cleaned out the buckets on monday and added about 18L of water with 15ml Advanced Nutrients Ph Perfect Grow/Bloom/Micro.
Ph settled at 6.5, and i just had to tinker with it as i heard 6.0-6.3 is more optimal in DWC during growth. Final test was 6.0.
3 days later i realized i had not re-checked the PH after i mixed the solution... Turns out it was 7.1!
Luckily the roots were not in the water yet, so i adjusted it back to 6.0. And now a few days later it's back up to 6.7... I'm a bit confused as to why it keeps rising that fast.
No roots in the water yet, just the hoses, airstones and the bottom leca balls in the pot which is why this is really confusing.
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Little update!
Bruce Banner (bottom) is now at about day 20 since sprouting.
Northern Lights (top) is at day 5, and the roots just hit the water yesterday :thumbsup:
Just changed the water and i'm now using 2ml/L for Bruce, and 1ml/L for NL.
Never figured out what the huge ph rise was, but as soon as the roots hit the water it stabilized and now stays between 6.2-6.5.
Not optimal, but according to Advanced Nutrients customer support the chelates in the nutes make them available all the way from 5.5-7.0.
They told me not to worry if it stays in that range and not to use any ph adjusters.


Growing a lil Chili plant in there too. I like me some spices.
Not very active on here now, but heres a little update on my hydro experience.


Not having any problems with Bruce Banner(left), but i have had some PH issues with my Northern Lights(top).
For some reason it can climb to 7.5ph over the week, and as a result the stem/branches are all very purple.
Doing the exact same thing as i did with the other one, so a bit confused about why that is happening.
Day 65, 26F :pop:

Getting ever closer! I pretty much stopped checking PH and just let the nutes do what they do.
Not seen any signs of def other than a little purple on the stems.
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@archie gemmill not been too active lately, but figured you would like to see the progress :thumbsup:


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oops seems i got lost to :baked:
dampning off something i dont know much about can be responsible for a seedling to just go weak at the knees and fall over :shrug:
hmm i think the dwc peeps have a theory on the whats and the whys ph raises and drops @Mañ'O'Green :pass: @HighnDry :pass: any ideas
they looking great now filling in the space great :smokeit:chilli looking 10x better than mine :greenthumb:
good luck n keep er lit
oops seems i got lost to :baked:
dampning off something i dont know much about can be responsible for a seedling to just go weak at the knees and fall over :shrug:
hmm i think the dwc peeps have a theory on the whats and the whys ph raises and drops @Mañ'O'Green :pass: @HighnDry :pass: any ideas
they looking great now filling in the space great :smokeit:chilli looking 10x better than mine :greenthumb:
good luck n keep er lit

Yeah luckily the Northern Lights i planted after was a strong rooter :thumbsup:

The PH rises/lowers based on the concentration of nutrients in the solution and how much the plants are eating i think. My PH problems were mostly before the roots hit the water and early veg, last time i checked a few weeks ago it was at 6.0 in both buckets.
Thanks! Haha! Growing the chili with BioBizz grow/bloom and it seems to work great.

You got any grows going at the moment man?