Bio Bizz Knowledge base

Hi Steelydan

I think this post will come too late as you are probably already on your way to the shop.
You can grow quite happily with just Biobizz Grow and Bloom. The Alg-a-matic will definitely help, but from what i've heard - the topmax is a bit naff.
I think i remember reading this in Agitos original biobizz guide (apologies if i got that wrong and someone else did it)

If you're off to Wembley .. be warned - that shop is a nightmare to find ;)

All the best
OK everyone i am going to the shop today, i am going to get some Biobloom and add that with the biogrow every water, i shall start with a low dose and build up. My question is about "Topmax and alg a mic" Is it worth using them as well., I am thinking on the finances as most companys/shops want to you to buy lots of stuff, its not cheap!. Would sticking with Biogrow and Biobloom be enough? This is my first grow its day 34 everything looks healthy and i would hate to make a little mistake and f...k it all up. I will post some pics later, hopefully i will get a reply before i go all the way over to west london to get the stuff.
norman wisdom
Dont bother with top max see Blues post.. The grow and bloom is plenty enougth if you can afford to get the Alg A Mic then do so it will help repair the plant throught times of stress etc:thumbs:
Hi Steelydan

I think this post will come too late as you are probably already on your way to the shop.
You can grow quite happily with just Biobizz Grow and Bloom. The Alg-a-matic will definitely help, but from what i've heard - the topmax is a bit naff.
I think i remember reading this in Agitos original biobizz guide (apologies if i got that wrong and someone else did it)

If you're off to Wembley .. be warned - that shop is a nightmare to find ;)

All the best

:clap::clap::clap: Yet again Blue spot on yes it was Agito that said the same thing and i agree 100% i learned alot from him about Bio Bizz:thumbs:
Thank you all, your help is much appreciated. I didn't have time today so will go this week sometime. The shop i use is in fulham "growell" I have onother one nearer in islington but it has less choice. So Gro & bloom and Alg A Mic it will be. I am trawling through the Cervantes medical bible which is good but directed towards the more "serious" grower IE BIG growers .
norman wisdom:five:
Great thread Si Cool Let me throw my feeding guide into the mix, using Fish Mix and Bloom. in plagron light 6-8 days after germination 1ml Fish-Mix then next feed 2ml next 3ml, they should show sex around day 15-20, you must pay attention to this because this will tell you when to introduce bloom nutes, becuse the switch should be made around 10 days after showing sex. So we're about day 25, now it's 1.5ml Fish-Mix and 3ml Bloom. then a couple of feeds later 1.5ml Fish-Mix 4ml Bloom. then toward the end to give a pk boost i drop the Fish-Mix to 1ml and increase the Bloom to 5ml...if you follow these guidelines you should be bringing your plants in on the advertised times, usually 70-75 days.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I also add half a teaspoon of Epsom Salts to the first three feeds of Fish Mix.
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Great thread Si Cool Let me throw my feeding guide into the mix, using Fish Mix and Bloom. in plagron light 6-8 days after germination 1ml Fish-Mix then next feed 2ml next 3ml, they should show sex around day 15-20, you must pay attention to this because this will tell you when to introduce bloom nutes, becuse the switch should be made around 10 days after showing sex. So we're about day 25, now it's 1.5ml Fish-Mix and 3ml Bloom. then a couple of feeds later 1.5ml Fish-Mix 4ml Bloom. then toward the end to give a pk boost i drop the Fish-Mix to 1ml and increase the Bloom to 5ml...if you follow these guidelines you should be bringing your plants in on the advertised times, usually 70-75 days.
Thankyou for your input Hazy and remember every one Hazy has trialed this way and works great for him check out his grows:yay:
My Bio Bizz LightMix Feeding Schedule

Week1 day 4
Bio Bizz Grow 0.5ml,Bio Bizz Heaven 0.5ml Per L

Grow 1ml,Heaven 1ml, Alg A Mic 1ml per L,

Week 3-5
Grow 2ml,Heaven 2ml, Alg A Mic 2ml per L CalMag 1 feed per week 3ml per 5L

Week 5
Grow 3ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 2ml per L CalMag every other feed 3ml per 5L

Week 6
Grow 3ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 2ml,CalMag every feed 3ml per 5L

Week 7
Grow 3ml, Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml,Bloom 3ml, CalMag every feed 3ml per 5L

Week 8-10 week Pre-Harvest
Grow 2ml, Heaven 4ml,Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 3ml, CalMag

Week 10
Heaven 4ml,Bloom 4ml, No CalMag

Week 11
Plain Water (I have done this with out plain water and extended Week 10's feed till harvest day doesnt affect taste or smoke)

I would suggest if your using All Mix to refer to Bio Bizz's Feeding charts and amend accordingly :peace: Si
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Update from BioBizz

So bio bizz have got back to me a while back i just forgot my password for my other email and its just come back to me today:face:

I will highlight the important bits:peace: Si

Dear Simon,
We have just returned from Italy, where many people use Autoflowers as well. We have seen some new types that indeed grow much higher. Maybe we need to start thinking of making a general schedule, since this is a trend we cannot ignore much longer.

People like you help us to improve ourselves! For this you have our respect and sincere thanks!

Sorry for the late reply by the way! We got stuck in Italy in a nightmare hotel without internet. ( almost like a vacation, when there is no internet, there is no “work”)

Root-juice: well, if you like to spend money, use it as long as you like. The better the roots, the bigger the plants. But officially, during veg is enough

This basically goes for all substrates!

The need to add bio-silicon or PK boosters is nonsense. If you make sure you have a good nutrient regime, a good substrate, stabile humidity and climate and most of all: FRESH AIR, you need nothing more. You actually can do with MUCH LESSJ The need for PK boosters is only for people that do not have everything running well. You mask you mistakes by adding PK boosters. Why do people think it is better to eat a hamburger with a hamburger and hamburger sauce and a hamburger for dessert? Like it is for people, plants like a balanced regime: A rootstim, grow and bloom fertilizers and a flower stim. Then you are done J

Please do not use Biobizz Bio-Grow and Fish-Mix on coco. You need a coco A+B nutrient. We only make our coco to offer a 100% organic alternative for Rockwool.

You have no need for any pH products when you use Biobizz on soil. ( unless you have insane pH values of the water ) When you use our coco-mix, you need to adjust the pH as the producer of the coco A+B nutrient advises.

Sorry for the short answers, there is another 76 mails waiting for a reply. But always good to hear from you Simon!
I want to switch to BioBizz Grow;Bloom & TopMax for my next grow ... I use RO water w/ Botanicare Cal/Mag+ currently ... can I continue to use Cal/Mag+ w/ BioBizz ??
I want to switch to BioBizz Grow;Bloom & TopMax for my next grow ... I use RO water w/ Botanicare Cal/Mag+ currently ... can I continue to use Cal/Mag+ w/ BioBizz ??

Ovcourse you can bro, with Bio Bizz alot of people say dont use CalMag as you dont need to but that didnt take into account AutoFlowers:D:

You will find you do not need to give CalMag for the first 5weeks thats when i usualy see signs there lacking Mag very slightly..

Amendment to my feed guide... If your using Lightmix start the firt feed at day 7 This is to account for nute sensitive strains.. If you know the strain and it takes well then start earlier :smokebuds:
I got the same response from them... Don't use biobizz nutes is coco!!

Well I used all of them (algamic fishmix et al.) because I am a nutty scientist-type geek, and I got one of the healthiest plants to date, including yield!

Have to wrap up my diary and email them back! Surely they have tested this, but f*ck did my autoX grow! 100+g yield

They truly are a responsible and customer base driven company. So they don't promote what thy cannot back up.

My only complaint is that my light-mix is a nightmare to water with airpots. The substrate cakes a but when dry. I like to run things to a good extent of dryness... This time round I ammended with some coco, about 30%... And got AN Wet Betty (super tip Si, thanks bro!) as a surfacant, so now I can water properly.

Lets see how it does, abut so far I am extremely impressed with Wet Betty
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