Bio Bizz Knowledge base

I personally don't Ph. If your Ph after mixing nutes is mega low, or high, then yeah, I'd adjust. My Ph after adding nutes to water is 7.6-7.8, I feed that with no adjustment, I have no issues. Just make sure you use soil amendments, some form of micoz, I also use Biochar from Grotek, the soil should do all the work.
Ok, may just let it go and see. Thanks.
I personally don't Ph. If your Ph after mixing nutes is mega low, or high, then yeah, I'd adjust. My Ph after adding nutes to water is 7.6-7.8, I feed that with no adjustment, I have no issues. Just make sure you use soil amendments, some form of micoz, I also use Biochar from Grotek, the soil should do all the work.

Ok I will listen to your advice..Last time I used this with my AN nute line , but I dont know if it were of any help..
Sorry about the wait.

This is just my personal method, some people might have issues with it, or not like it, but it's been working for me for a long time now

I grow in a 3 gal smart pot, a day before planting, I mix up my soil. I use a light mix, BioBizz or Plagron, I have no preference, just what ever they have in the grow shop at the time. I use root explosion from big plant science, a great product, and Biochar from grotek called black pearl, mixed up at the directed amounts. I then drench the soil, 3 liters of plain water, maybe a little more, you want a little run off here to make sure there are no dry spots in the soil, but do it slow. Don't bother with PH, not unless you have silly PH levels.

So now fast forward to day 9ish or 10ish, I give no water until this point, if you have done the first water properly, you shouldn't need to, but do the pot weight test, you may want to water a day or 2 earlier, it's up to you. So day 10 I feed 2 liters of water with 1ml fish mix per liter, so 2ml fish mix. No run off.

Around day 17-18, plant is putting on size, I water again, 2 liters, but this time 2ml fish mix per liter, so 4ml fish mix this time.

Day 25 ish, plant should have sexed by now, so last dose of N, 2 liter feed, 3ml fish mix per liter, so 6ml fish mix.

day 30ish, Introduce Bloom and Heaven. I now drop fish mix for grow, fish mix is higher in N, but grow has lower N, but more P and K, it's pure mollasses, and is better for the bloom phase. A 2 liter feed, bloom at 3ml 2ml Heaven, grow 1.5ml, so 6ml bloom, 3ml grow 4ml Heaven.

Now the idea is to slowly bring up bloom, heaven, taper off grow until the end. This is where you have to read the plant

Depending on strain and size of plant, you may need to water every day, if this is the case, speed up the dropping of grow, you don't want too much N going in now

In the last 2 weeks I feed 5ml bloom, and 4ml heaven per liter, no grow

I realise this might be a bit of a rambling guide, but I don't really have a scedule I run everytime, it changes from plant to plant, but this is a rough template
Thanks Ribbzzy..
Any particular reason you use fishmix over biogrow...I have both ( 500 ml of fishmix thrown in with the nute pack i ordered)....On day 6 now so getting near to first feed time so need to decide which to use....Will also use my acti vera ,not sure what it will add to my feeds but it may as well be used
Thanks Ribbzzy..
Any particular reason you use fishmix over biogrow...I have both ( 500 ml of fishmix thrown in with the nute pack i ordered)....On day 6 now so getting near to first feed time so need to decide which to use....Will also use my acti vera ,not sure what it will add to my feeds but it may as well be used
I only use fish mix during the grow period, it has more N, less P and K, and is a great conditioner for the soil. Then after the plant has sexed and is starting bloom, I swap to grow as it has less N, more P and K, just right for the final stages.
i started with grow,top max,bloom for a few grows then tried fish mix for the higher N.i used fish in veg and grow in flower.when all the grow was gone i stayed with fish mix.
i had allways used top max wrongly giving more or less 1ml all grow long(thinking it was the micro nutes and not a flower enhancer).so rather than change and do it right i continue to do it wriong.i tried root juice and heaven 2 very expensive additives for a tiny bottle.if the heaven is full of sugars blackstrap mollasses.
schedule walter day 75 - Copy - Copy.JPG

ppm/tds was £4 and just a test.i do a random ph test now and again but if feed in is 5.8-7.0 i never adjust.
i dont follow this schedule as i filled it out after i did can be +/- a ml or +/- a week out,most of my shcedules i just cross off the days
random schedules.JPG

Thanks Ribbzzy and Archie..Fishmix starter it is then :bow:Will use the Heaven,Top Max and Acti Vera on some of the plants and see if they make much difference

Had the girls out in the sun for a couple of hours earlier,praying like deathrow inmates they were...
Hi everyone,

Can I reuse All-mix as potting soil? I have soil leftover from my last grow but it's 50/50 All-Mix and Light Mix.

I want to reuse it by adding BioTabs Startrex and Mycotrex.

Will reused All-Mix be hotter than reused Light Mix or is it all the same? Thanks.