Indoor Binary Selections Nurple Auto Indoor HID Soil Tent

Jul 1, 2021
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first ever auto flower run, and first post on the site. I don’t currently have pictures but will regularly update here. 2 beans were started in paper towels this morning. Here’s what I’ll be working with, going to try and keep it as simple as possible.

3 gallon pots
600 watt MH/HPS
440cfl exhaust fan
Tap water
Bloom nutes after flowering starts
19/5 veg, 18/6 flower (post stretch)

if anyone out there has run Nurple from Binary and has some tips id be very appreciative!
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Decided to pop 4 beans just in case something is up with the genetics at some point. I’ll likely only keep one or two in the tent depending on size. Also wanted to see difference between plastic and fabric pots this time around. Soil is all FFOF with perlite and the beans were put into a cups worth of basic seedling starter mix.

will likely switch over to MH once they sprout.
Well what do you know, the seeds that went directly into soil (no paper towel, etc.) popped first.

about 3 days since placing into soil.

Other seeds were soaked in paper towels 48 hours prior to going into soil.

would be nice if these could be kept small enough to run all 4 to the finish line.
Went ahead and turned on the 600w metal halide at half power, raised all the way up. Didn’t feel like messing with t5’s this time around
Went ahead and turned on the 600w metal halide at half power, raised all the way up. Didn’t feel like messing with t5’s this time around

Good luck with the first auto grow and welcome to AFN! ^_^


Overwatered seedling! I saturated the whole 3 gal like an idiot before popping the seeds so until it all dries up these little girls are going to be drooping. Probably stunted em already!

The 1 in the fabric pot is fine, so I drilled a bunch of really tiny holes throughout the plastic pot to maybe help dry em out quicker.

Doing better now. Bumped 600w MH to 75% as it seemed too cool at plant level even though thermometer says it’s 76 in the tent.
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Here’s one of the Nurple ( only have two going in the tent now) at day 10 from emerging:


seems to like the MH at a little bit above 400 watts. If I hadn’t overwatered the 3 gal in the beginning they would probably be a touch bigger at this point.

here is a photoperiod triangle kush x la pure kush in a solo cup. Currently running two of these alongside the 2 Nurples.


this seed sprouted 3 days or so after the autos and they’re almost the same size now. Always under 400 watts MH, no t5’s. Temp stays around 75-76 during the day and 70-72 during lights off.
Plant already giving off funky/skunk smells without even touching the leaves.

in a bit of a pickle, as I do not know which to keep in the tent.. i know that trying to run them at the same time could prove difficult or impossible without sacrificing yield on the autos. Otherwise it would be a 65+ day veg on the photos, and humidity levels wouldn’t be optimal since I’d be lowering them for the flowering on the Nurple.

If only I could have another tent!
Small update, if anyone is out there lol

they started showing pistils around day 19 or 20.
today is day 2 of week 4 (day 23)

I was reading something about typical Autoflower progressions and the articles mentioned not doing LST once flower has begun. These plants are pretty stout for something that’s begun to flower. Anyone else out there who trains during the stretch?
