Dutch Passion Billy Wu's second grow - Think Different (w/CO2 enrichment)

Thanks Groffuwiwi, I'll take a look into it :)
Good luck Billy Wu. I been through your thread loads of times for comparison at different stages of my grow. I loved your plant and thread and cant wait to see the difference with the co2. :peace:
at it again good show
never long enough! :lol:

really depends on your enviro and conditions and whether you adequate cooling or if you have to exchange all the time... which rips through your gas.
Depends on the size of the grow tent I guess :] I've only got a small one so I won't have to use a whole lot of CO2 to raise the levels up.

Seeing as the temperature can go up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit comfortably with CO2, I won't need to have my extraction fan running at all or if I do, it'll be on a lower setting, so that's less CO2 to worry about.
Haha that might end up being a bit too cold :] I love HPS personally.
Haha that might end up being a bit too cold :] I love HPS personally.

Not with my LED. 800w Solarstorm with built in T8 UVBs. If I turned off my inline fan be 100-120 degrees in my tent.