Dutch Passion Billy Wu's 3x Think Different PURE YIELD grow

Day 14 update

All is still going well :) One of them looks like it needs a little calcium, so I've added 1ml of CalMag to each plants watering today.
Seems like the one in the bottom right is in the lead. I wonder why? It must be something to do with the lights and the positioning of the pots because with my last grow, the one in the bottom right grew the biggest then too.

Looking good billy. Can you position your lights so each plant get a light each?
Kind of, the 50W LEDs don't do much though :)
Day 14 update

All is still going well :) One of them looks like it needs a little calcium, so I've added 1ml of CalMag to each plants watering today.
Seems like the one in the bottom right is in the lead. I wonder why? It must be something to do with the lights and the positioning of the pots because with my last grow, the one in the bottom right grew the biggest then too.


The answer with the beans is,...........your not doing anything wrong,......you dont have a problem with the bottom right hand corner of you cab,.........there is very little uniformity in mother nature,.............it's "Gentetic Variance" the difference between Arnie swartz and Danny devito, "Some Mothers Do Ave Em" !!.......AB.....When you hit a Super Star Bean" you will know it !!........it will rag your nutes,........drink you dry,.........stink the place right out !!.........and fill your boots !!...with copius amounts of fresh medicine for your patients !!........AB...........it's a bean genetic lottery, ..... but there are out there !!............AB.........ps; the 189 photon is 35 cheaper and gives 40 more w of led ?/.........
Day 8 update

Not a lot to report :) I would give you guys some pictures, but truth be told, they look basically the exact same as they did on my last grow!

What I have decided to tell you guys about today though is the prospective future. I'm going to be changing to DWC hydroponics in early July, and I'm also going 100% LED too.
My plan is to get a 600w LED panel, remove the HPS and the two 50w UFO's and just run it with a variable power setting :)

It's unlikely that I'll reach my target of 300g with my current setup, so this grow will be to see how well I can grow 1 or 2 big plants and just basically attempt to grow a perfect plant, 100% deficiency free :)

Update: What do you guys think of this light? http://www.quantumledbloom.co.uk/servlet/the-48/LED-GROW-LIGHTS-/Detail

Am running 2no 189 photons billy............as you have a 500watt off lecky to budget max. My 2no 189 photons give 567w of led each unit. You would only need one to run your 4 girls and heat to 26c with the fan not flat out, as now with 400hps billy........ec 1w of led gives 236w of hps mh equivalent lumens. So the photon with 567w of led gives over 13 thousand lumens, so ample for you cab.............it consumes 285watts of lecky..........halving you current bill.............AB..........ledhydroponics
DUTCH PASSION Ultimate Journal Day 43 veg  0 Fwr 002.jpg 1134w of photon production !! 7 spectrum....45db's
Day 18 update

Not a lot to report, all is going well :) Today was feed day.
As always, 2 litres of water per plant consisting of:

1ml/L of BioBizz grow
1.5ml of BioBizz root juice

I'd like some peoples opinions on what to do with these plants though. Will I get more bud from growing 1 or 2 big ones, or 3 of these medium sized ones? I can't decide on if I want to scrap 1 or 2, or any and now's the time to decide.


Nice one insert, thanks bud :) I'll probably scrap one of the two from the top right or middle left, the bottom right one is the biggest again.
Always hate having to scrap plants :(