Indoor bigger roots bigger fruits

Feb 7, 2016
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Ok guys, first hi to ya doing?! :D

well lets keep it simple... i want to hear from you what do you guys do and think is the best way to develop really big roots with autoflower plants when planted in final pot?!

when im surfing on the internet i see many rootporn pics but mostly from feminized plant that require transplantion, but what to do with AF when in soil in final pots?!

i know that bigger pots play a big role, aswell as the air in the soil,and your watering tecnique but what stimulators you would recomend!?

i have to admit i dont have many experience on root i would like to hear it from you and i thnik many would like to participate in this thread.

i have used only root juice from biobizz by now and tryed a little voodo juice from AN..
when i chop down the girls i always look how big the roots are and i think they can be bigger.i heard mycorrhiza is the best for heavy root developement..

cheers guys!
hi @talkative ..i agree with you although i havent tryed them. but you have to give the roots some micronutrients..or fungi or something...
Anyone have a chance to use some of the pots called root makers

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For bigger roots you need oxygen +correct medium +nutrients +bio stimulants.

All these stimulate root growth:
phophoros, potassium, calcium, sea weed extract (or raw kelp), fullvic acid (make bomb mixture by mixing 5 parts of fullvic acid with 2 parts of seaweed extract), rhizobacteria.
Oh im familiar with Neil

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