:smoking: I think you're A-OK Al,.. that meter, I know the type, and they are not very reliable and those pH meter reading prove it... No waaay it's 7+ when first test of actual run-off is in the 5's, trust me! You would have had definite lockout defc. of some sort of micronute, Zn and/or Fe most likely, no matter how well chelated... I'm surprised you didn't have other symptoms from such low pH, like P defc, or Ca,... I'd say the PB worked some magic here for keeping the nutes protected, plus 5.75 is probably lower than the actual in-pot pH in general... That first bit of r-o tends to be rather concentrated, like a drip-cone coffee filter does with grounds... So, it wasn't too far off in there, I'd say -

.... r-o ppm's were not bad at all, your feeding has been on point otherwise, IMO,... now after that flush, it's showing to be stripped, so feed ASAP... Usually it's a good idea to use about 1/4 strength nutes on the final pour through to help restore a little feeds while the pot dried from that epic flooding -

... keep your feeds at about 6.5 now, the soil's buffering capacity is probably pretty tapped out at this point.
Buds are forming up well mate, swell is on! .... resin production is really good too,....That color never gets old -

-- how does she smell?