Do a Stoned Smoke report gives us a bit Fun Hearing how it affects you.

Have a great weekend

Ha! Great idea, happy to oblige. Will let them get combustible and sample some choice and record it as it real time so to speak. Should be a real gag!
:baked: :pass: :smokeout: :smoking: :jointman:
82 Day Dragons!


YDBs are exhausted. They got nothing left to give. Yellowing to the max. Frosted up nicely. Still stink of cooked beef sausage; can't imagine how that smell will change with a cure. Overall happy with this Dragon strain. If Yoda wanted a medium sized auto with very distinctive characteristics, he's succeeded! Can't wait for the smoke report--gonna do it live as I sample, should be a laugh.

Dragon #1




Dragon #2




Harvest pics below:

82 Day Dragons!


YDBs are exhausted. They got nothing left to give. Yellowing to the max. Frosted up nicely. Still stink of cooked beef sausage; can't imagine how that smell will change with a cure. Overall happy with this Dragon strain. If Yoda wanted a medium sized auto with very distinctive characteristics, he's succeeded! Can't wait for the smoke report--gonna do it live as I sample, should be a laugh.

Dragon #1
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Dragon #2
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Harvest pics below:
That's one badass/beautiful plant! Truly sweet!
Dragons Down!

Nice nugz in the end. About three zips from both plants. Now I gotta figure which Dragon type to try next. Gonna run my Blue Onyx Dragons with some moonstone maybe...

Dragon #1



Dragon #2




Yup, supercropped like crazy but crazy result in the end. See y'all for the smoke report.

Still stink of cooked beef sausage;

So all the girls I have grown I have only had one smell of meat.
It smelled of warm bloody steak and it was quite repulsive coz me brain couldn't get past looking at Bud and smelling Steak...:coffee:..smoked a Dream though.

If Yoda wanted a medium sized auto with very distinctive characteristics, he's succeeded!

He got it...:worship:..and you did him Proud with the grow South..Lovely Girls..:toke:

Can't wait for the smoke report--gonna do it live as I sample, should be a laugh.

Oh..the Live smoke Reports are the Best...:thumbsup:..Cheers for giving it a Go.
So all the girls I have grown I have only had one smell of meat.
It smelled of warm bloody steak and it was quite repulsive coz me brain couldn't get past looking at Bud and smelling Steak...:coffee:..smoked a Dream though.

Well, I'll tell ya, Owld Dragon, I quite like the smell; those hashy undertones keep it inviting, otherwise....yeah, might be a trip. Did a cure change it much in your case?

He got it...:worship:..and you did him Proud with the grow South..Lovely Girls..:toke:

Oh..the Live smoke Reports are the Best...:thumbsup:..Cheers for giving it a Go.

Hey, I'll try most things once -- so long as they don't involve jumping out of a plane or weird sexual escapades! I'll announce a date and time when they're ready for anyone wants to tune in.
Okay folks, think I got enough dry to do the live smoke report tomorrow night. Tune in if ya wanna know...

Howdy y'all,

These YDBs are almost dry enough to put in a jar for cure but the crown buds are ready to go so they've been jarred already. Funny thing is they no longer smell like beef sausage grilling...instead they smell like Mossy said: raw bloody steak! Weird man and, yeah, it's a trip to smell that and see nice crystally buds. Okay, rolled up half a gram, gonna light her up now and see what happens.