Grow Mediums Best soil for Autoflower

hey there! Never heard of it but I will check it out thanks :)
HI i am running my first of kind soil has anyone used this i am wondering about watering them 3 gallon pots what would be a good watering regiment thanks/
I think that comes down to Preference, I prefer Coco/Perlite... To me that is the Best! What-ever you choose just make sure it's a light mix(meaning that the soil or what-ever your using doesn't compact,that will slow growth,etc...)
Hi everybody, i'm a newbie, and i'm trying to figure out what's the best soil for autos.
First of all I have to say that I won't use any artificial light, they will be exposed to day light but in indoor envoirment.
After some research it seems clear few important points about choosing the soil.
[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Nutrients, Even tho i haven't find any specific article talking about the specific amount of NPK required it looks like it's better to get a soil that contains already nutrients.
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] PH, everybody agrees that the best range is between 6.2 and 6.5.
[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] The soil should be spongy, airy and medium not too hard and not too soft, i still can't find a way to figure out how to determine that factor. If somebody can answer that it can be very helpful.

Today I went to a gardening shop to check out few soils.

In my opinion there is one that should have most of the required factors to be a good soil.
Dry material: 65%
Organic Material: 25%
PH 6.5
Conductivity 50 ms/m
Water retention capacity 700ml/l
NPK 14-16-18

I'm not sure if those are good numbers, all I can say is that the PH is in range.
About the NPK, The Nitrogen is lower then the Phosphorus, during vegetive stage isn't that a bad thing?
Another thing about the NPK, that soil has 14% Nitrogen, 16% Phosphorus and 18% Potassium, my question is, for how long should I water the plants without adding any nutrients on water?

I read online that usually if is used a fertilized soil plants shouldn't be watered for about 2/3 weeks but how can I determine that?

Sorry if I have so many questions, but I like to do things properly and I like to learn things in the right way.
I hope somebody can help.

Have a good day
I don't think soil should have a pre-charge or nutes added in for several weeks at-least... Soil has nutes already(well enough for plant to survive for several weeks) In Coco you would pre-charge since coco contains nothing...about the watering part, I'm going by coco(since thats all I use) but after my pre-charge I do not need to give any water for at-least the first 10days... I'm sure soil would be even longer... I don't grow in soil but @pop22 may be able to give you an idea how long in-between would the plants be feed nutrients, I just won't make guesses to something I don't know about...
Hi everybody, i'm a newbie, and i'm trying to figure out what's the best soil for autos.
First of all I have to say that I won't use any artificial light, they will be exposed to day light but in indoor envoirment.
After some research it seems clear few important points about choosing the soil.
[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Nutrients, Even tho i haven't find any specific article talking about the specific amount of NPK required it looks like it's better to get a soil that contains already nutrients.
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] PH, everybody agrees that the best range is between 6.2 and 6.5.
[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] The soil should be spongy, airy and medium not too hard and not too soft, i still can't find a way to figure out how to determine that factor. If somebody can answer that it can be very helpful.

Today I went to a gardening shop to check out few soils.

In my opinion there is one that should have most of the required factors to be a good soil.
Dry material: 65%
Organic Material: 25%
PH 6.5
Conductivity 50 ms/m
Water retention capacity 700ml/l
NPK 14-16-18

I'm not sure if those are good numbers, all I can say is that the PH is in range.
About the NPK, The Nitrogen is lower then the Phosphorus, during vegetive stage isn't that a bad thing?
Another thing about the NPK, that soil has 14% Nitrogen, 16% Phosphorus and 18% Potassium, my question is, for how long should I water the plants without adding any nutrients on water?

I read online that usually if is used a fertilized soil plants shouldn't be watered for about 2/3 weeks but how can I determine that?

Sorry if I have so many questions, but I like to do things properly and I like to learn things in the right way.
I hope somebody can help.

Have a good day

Whats up :toke: :pass:
I blend my own soil 1 part peat 1 part Burpee grow mix 1 part just natural with amendments on bottom half of pot


With organics, you can feed the soil before you plant. Now many people "cook" the soil for at least thirty days. Guess it depends what you use. I stay away from guanos in my soil, seems they keep the soil hot a long time. I use blood meal for my added quick N. If you use pre-mixed organic nutrients like Doctor Earth, Jobe's etc, you can mix and plant right away. I rarely cook my soils anymore. It take 2-4 weeks for the microlife to really get the nutrients released which seems perfect to me, just in time for the flowering push. This is also why I keep my soils simple. I know how it will preform every time.

I don't think soil should have a pre-charge or nutes added in for several weeks at-least... Soil has nutes already(well enough for plant to survive for several weeks) In Coco you would pre-charge since coco contains nothing...about the watering part, I'm going by coco(since thats all I use) but after my pre-charge I do not need to give any water for at-least the first 10days... I'm sure soil would be even longer... I don't grow in soil but @pop22 may be able to give you an idea how long in-between would the plants be feed nutrients, I just won't make guesses to something I don't know about...
In the end I bought bio biz light mix, I have to say I really like that soil, I think i will stick with it for a long time.
It never gave me any kind of problem, I usually water my plats 1/2 times every week and they never gave me any deficiency.
I would recommend it to any newbie out there, it's vey easy to manage the plant.
Soils so damn complicated thats why i went with coco coir. But im going outdoors this year big time 20-30 plants and need a good soil recipe and theres way to many diffrent kinds its driving me nuts. Lol what to do?