Grow Mediums Best soil for Autoflower

Hey @Mcdee! sorry I have been away, I'm glad to see i'm not the only italian here :)
Today I started my journey, I'm using this method for the germination:

I'm planning to transplant them in the final pot in about a week or so, at this point I will give them nutritions from day 1 of the "final pot stage".
I really hope not to mess it up!
I will update you guys as soon as I will find a good soil for now i'm still searching a good bio nutrients free soil!
Hey @Mcdee! sorry I have been away, I'm glad to see i'm not the only italian here :)
Today I started my journey, I'm using this method for the germination:

I'm planning to transplant them in the final pot in about a week or so, at this point I will give them nutritions from day 1 of the "final pot stage".
I really hope not to mess it up!
I will update you guys as soon as I will find a good soil for now i'm still searching a good bio nutrients free soil!

Hey There! :D

You should check out Biotabs if you're looking for an easy (not confusing) grow.
They'll deliver within europe.

If there's not any "grow shops" you can order from online, i would just get a soil appropriate for seedlings, and order the Starter kit from Biotabs.
If you can get any perlite, then that would be good to mix in with the seedling-soil.

I've done my last 2 or 3 grows with Biotabs, you're welcome to check them out (links in my signature) .. or Check the biotabs sub forum out here

I think there's a discount code available to us too .. so ask around in sub forums

Hey @Mcdee! sorry I have been away, I'm glad to see i'm not the only italian here :)
Today I started my journey, I'm using this method for the germination:

I'm planning to transplant them in the final pot in about a week or so, at this point I will give them nutritions from day 1 of the "final pot stage".
I really hope not to mess it up!
I will update you guys as soon as I will find a good soil for now i'm still searching a good bio nutrients free soil!
What strains are you running? Autos are awesome plants, a marvel really. You can treat them like shit and they will push through. So don't worry as long as ph is good, you don't drown them, and you give them some food and light they will do the rest.
Hey @blue thanks for your message! I check it out it looks very expensive, I have a few seeds, so it can get very expensive, I hope I have looked the right product, according to the website it looks it's about €50 to get enough soil for 5 plants, I will still consider that, I just need to make some more research on the product.
@Mcdee I have some: white widow, purple bud, super skunk & master kush all of them are autos, I should treat them in the same way right?
I mean each type doesn't have a specific way to water them, give them nutrition etc, correct?
I started today and I still need to figure out the pot size and the soil :face:
For the pot I will probably use a 9/11 liters pot, i'm considering to get squares one not rounded, so I might re-use them in a future hydroponic project.
Unless if you guys think round pots are better ofc.
I'm so happy about this project :)
Hey @blue thanks for your message! I check it out it looks very expensive, I have a few seeds, so it can get very expensive, I hope I have looked the right product, according to the website it looks it's about €50 to get enough soil for 5 plants, I will still consider that, I just need to make some more research on the product.
@Mcdee I have some: white widow, purple bud, super skunk & master kush all of them are autos, I should treat them in the same way right?
I mean each type doesn't have a specific way to water them, give them nutrition etc, correct?
I started today and I still need to figure out the pot size and the soil :face:
For the pot I will probably use a 9/11 liters pot, i'm considering to get squares one not rounded, so I might re-use them in a future hydroponic project.
Unless if you guys think round pots are better ofc.
I'm so happy about this project :)
Well some strains like a high amount of nutrients, some like less. I would ask around about each, like whose White Widow are you growing? I am on day 4 of a Greenhouse Seeds WW in 3gal fabric smart pot think that's 9/10l for you. But ask about each breeders strain or look at journals and see how they like it, more or less. Then you can make separate nutrient mixes. Otherwise just give them all the same and see how they respond. I was told GSC likes more so made it a stronger dose. But for the most part i just give them all same stuff. Gotta just try something see if it works and go from there.
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Hey @Mcdee thanks for all those advices, I will try to experiment a little bit, and see what's gonna be the best combo :)
In the end I bought 11 liters pots and some biobizz light-mix soil, in italy we can't get most of the things that are available in America, I believe this is the best soil possibile.
I will update you soon, I'm such a noob I have so many things to learn, but i'm happy I sorted out the pot/soil stuff, it was so stressful! :)
Hey @Mcdee thanks for all those advices, I will try to experiment a little bit, and see what's gonna be the best combo :)
In the end I bought 11 liters pots and some biobizz light-mix soil, in italy we can't get most of the things that are available in America, I believe this is the best soil possibile.
I will update you soon, I'm such a noob I have so many things to learn, but i'm happy I sorted out the pot/soil stuff, it was so stressful! :)
Don't stress bud! Like I said the plants will do most of the work you just have to give them what they need. You'll be fine, I know it seems hard but it's easier than you think. We are here if you need help.
Thanks! after 2 days on rooter finally the first 2 have sprouted, now they are under the sun light, I hope they can handle it :p
Hi @Mcdee thanks for your reply it was very helpful.
In my country the pro mix bx is not available unfortunately, I wonder if you can help me out to pick one from this website:

I went to a regular gardening shop but it seems they have nothing without nutrients.
As I said my plants will germinate in root it cubes, so I will just put the cubes inside the soil once they are ready to go.

For the vegetative stage and bloom stage I already purchased a general hydroponic package this one:

I guess if I get a soil without nutrients once I will transplant the plant to their final pot I will have to add nutrients from day 1 correct?
If so, is it a good idea to start with 1/8 of what they recommend?

Another question, will I have to water them every day using nutrients?

Thank you so much! :)

Hi @WeedNoob and welcome to AFN. Looking at the soils you have got available to you at that website i would go with either the Bio Bizz or Plagron Light Mix, both are good quality low nute soils with the Plagron a bit more airy with a bit more perlite in the mix, Atami are also a popular brand here in Spain but don't know enough about their soil to make a recommendation.

Peace and happy growing to you mate ;)
Hey @Spanglish Thanks for your reply I ended up buying bio biz light mix, probably the best solution for what is available here.
Since I’m here I have a question for you guys, today my cat ate the leaves of 2 seedlings, do you think the plant will recover or should I throw it away? I’m so sad about that :(