I've been using sleep aids for several decades.
Eventually they all stop working very well, including marijuana.
For me, all MJ indica strains work about the same for sleep, and I rotate among about half a dozen of them.
I might get good sleep then bad sleep from the same strains used different nights.
Walmart Allergy Relief Medicine is an antihistamine that works well as an adjunct to MJ.
I used it for a long time by itself before starting MJ.
Last night along with my usual MJ dose, I tried half a pill of Restorol, a supposedly effective sleep aid, and if anything it harmed my sleep.
The night before half a pill of allergy relief medicine helped the MJ a lot.
Eventually they all stop working very well, including marijuana.
For me, all MJ indica strains work about the same for sleep, and I rotate among about half a dozen of them.
I might get good sleep then bad sleep from the same strains used different nights.
Walmart Allergy Relief Medicine is an antihistamine that works well as an adjunct to MJ.
I used it for a long time by itself before starting MJ.
Last night along with my usual MJ dose, I tried half a pill of Restorol, a supposedly effective sleep aid, and if anything it harmed my sleep.
The night before half a pill of allergy relief medicine helped the MJ a lot.