New Grower Best bang for buck Auto seeds?

Hey I'm sorry to get involved in this pissing match but if you aren't going to order from anywhere but attitude why do you care who everybody on here recommends. Seems like you asked the question but dont want the answer.

I don't think you thought this through very well. You guys can continue to attack me. It doesn't bother me.
@Black Knight, nothing wrong with being suspicious or asking questions,I do the same when I'm not sure about something.

I will respectfully give you some clarity as to why Mephisto Genetics have become so popular.

If we go back to the months leading up to Christmas there were a number of Mephisto grows on the forums and the results of those grows got people salivating over those results with strains like hubbabubbasmelloscope & Tyrone Special etc

Strains which have produced seriously fantastic results and that were positively dripping in shiney crystal with a truely satisfying smoke experience,Strains like these grab peoples attention and then they want to grow somme for themselves aswell.

Then also around Christmas there was also all the new strains released by Mephisto, which piqued even more interest in his genetics.

Right from the start Mitch has shared his journey and his techniques with us, documenting them in him journal nothing was hidden except for his location and face for security reasons.

When you also add in the fact that they provide second to none customer care and that they are always willing to answer any question we ask and that they truely support all the grows here with their genetics, the picture starts to become even clearer.

Considering all of the above, it is not hard to see why there has been an explosion of interest in their work, which has resulted in many people here wanting to grow some for themselves.

All you have to do is read the journals and look at the pics, go back as far as you can as the company is only about a year old (Birthday coming up soon) and you will see why they have been the success that they have been.

often in life if something seems too good to be true it often is, Mephisto (Mitch) is the exception to that rule, Mitch is the real deal and 100% genuine and still finds time in his hectic work schedule to answer questions about his work and strains etc here @ AFN.

Don't believe the hype, grow some yourself and see what all the fuss is about.

I am a self confessed supporter of Mephisto Genetics because I have seen the results and also because anyone who can demonstrate that they are a decent and honest person earns my respect.

Keep asking questions as it demonstrate the will to learn and find out more and sometimes you will find there is a silver lining obscured by a cloud of doubt. ;)

Let us all remember why this is such an awesome forum, it is because we are respectful of each other, even if we have opposing views, lets also remember to keep it nice and friendly, if you haven't got something nice or helpful to say best keep it zipped.

Much peace to you Black Knight :)

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This might be a dumb question but...1000gr holy you gotta be talking wet right??

Actually I think it was King Gangamoto and it was I believe 1158 grams DRY from an auto ultimate I know for sure it was over 2 kilos from one plant! Here's a quote from his thread and a pic:

"The final weigh in has been conducted and Miss Princess Uma did indeed break the one kilo barrier, so the King can go into exile a happy monarch..."

Such is the power of DP genetics even though Miss Princess Uma was a variegated mutant baby to begin with she had a desire to live and thrived
I wouldn't even be able to fit that beast in my tent! Maybe with a shoe horn and crisco

Actually I think it was King Gangamoto and it was I believe 1158 grams DRY from an auto ultimate I know for sure it was over 2 kilos from one plant! Here's a quote from his thread and a pic:

"The final weigh in has been conducted and Miss Princess Uma did indeed break the one kilo barrier, so the King can go into exile a happy monarch..."

Such is the power of DP genetics even though Miss Princess Uma was a variegated mutant baby to begin with she had a desire to live and thrived

Actually I think it was King Gangamoto and it was I believe 1158 grams DRY from an auto ultimate I know for sure it was over 2 kilos from one plant! Here's a quote from his thread and a pic:

"The final weigh in has been conducted and Miss Princess Uma did indeed break the one kilo barrier, so the King can go into exile a happy monarch..."

Such is the power of DP genetics even though Miss Princess Uma was a variegated mutant baby to begin with she had a desire to live and thrived

There has never been any confirmation of the weight, whether it was wet or dry, nor was any pictures available........
Why were you surprised? Every other post was pushing mephisto genes. I just thought something smelled funny. Obviously, I was wrong. I don't think it was wrong saying what I said.

I agree with you and can see where your coming from with the overwhelming support for Mephisto here! And now you know the whole story and all is good!
There has never been any confirmation of the weight, whether it was wet or dry, nor was any pictures available........

In his thread, the wet weight of 50% of the harvest was 2048 grams ( and yes its in his post! look it up ) so that alone dry would be over a pound. But I'm not spending all day looking up what you can find for yourself... and I'll tell you what, grow me a pound from 1 auto.......

In fact, lets start a one pound club for autos only!

There has never been any confirmation of the weight, whether it was wet or dry, nor was any pictures available........

The pic is in the post and for sure in his post he stated that after 10 hours of trimming, he'd harvested 1/2 the plant and was at 2048 grams wet ( about 512gr. dry )
Try reading his post. Hell I'll PM him if he comes back on here anytime soon

I just started a new thread: One Pound + Autoflower club. Maybe we'll have a home to post all the biggest ladies on.
Just read through this thread and wow, what a drama filled little story this is. I feel that I must give some input here. First, To the original question. For Hexeract, It is all about perception. My perception of a great "bang for the buck" seed may be completely different from yours. The variables which feed that end decision are vast and always changing. I have no idea what your criteria are and neither does anyone else that has replied to this thread, since you failed to list what in your mind translates to best bang for the buck.

I don't mind a plant that is a little more difficult to grow, or has a strong odor in grow. I grow in soil and use organic nutrients, under an LED, I want a decent yield and some potency. I will never know exactly how I feel about a particular strain until after I have grown it, cured it, and had some intimate time with a jar full and a vaporizer.:pass:

This is the only way that I can truly know. And because of this, I currently have 50+ different seeds awaiting some grow time. I have Vision, Dinafem, Dutch Passion, OOseeds, K C Brains, Sweet, and Terrestrial Bean Co. I have spent anywhere from 11 pounds for 10 regular seeds, to 40 pounds for 3 fem seeds. I am sure that I will find several in this next year of growing that I will have to reorder. You can get a good sense of the quality seed producers by reading the grow journals and make some decisions from there. But with several thousand strains available, you got to start somewhere, Good luck, this is an exciting time for you.

Concerning the Topic of Mephisto Genetics, and the Black Knight discussions. Wow, Really, It intrigues me that this has been dragged on for so many comments.

Black Knight, brother, question everything, just not everyone. Perception is also king in our interactions with other people. The folks that frequent this site are generous with info and a kind word. But if the perception that they have is that you are questioning their integrity and/or the reasons why they are giving the recommendation, then it becomes an adversarial situation. With both sides trying to champion their cause. Mephisto has been a fixture here since I joined and I have been impressed by the grows and results as well as the prompt responses from the actual breeder. Same with Sweet seeds. Who doesn't want a direct line to a breeder for info and maybe input or influence on future strains? I sure do. I don't currently own any Mephisto beans, but I do have several Sweet seeds strains waiting to be grown.

This site has all the information you could want on Autoflower plants, either in print already or buried in the brains of the members waiting for the right question to bring it out. So lets all just smoke em if you got em( grow em if you don't) and move ahead.
The pic is in the post and for sure in his post he stated that after 10 hours of trimming, he'd harvested 1/2 the plant and was at 2048 grams wet ( about 512gr. dry )
Try reading his post. Hell I'll PM him if he comes back on here anytime soon

I just started a new thread: One Pound + Autoflower club. Maybe we'll have a home to post all the biggest ladies on.

I have read the thread, several times.....maybe it's just me, but Pop doesn't it strike you as odd that no final weight, pictures nor smoke report was ever posted. After you have just set a truly kingly world record that is miles ahead of TaNg and Grey Bear...... to the tune of almost double by extrapolation.....!

Compared to some of TaNg's(same strain) and Grey Bear's plants(not same strain), judging solely from pictures, those Kingly buds must have been dense as lead!

Also odd that DP hasn't picked up on a 1 KG+ harvest from one of their auto's, there is no mention of this grow on their website........!!!
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