New Grower Best bang for buck Auto seeds?

How many??? Lol not grown that one yet but it is up next and I would be elated with 1158g wet lol. I do have a Hubbabubbasmeliscope on the go that looks like she will be around 200g dry.

Autos have come a long way in the last few years thats both yield and quality so there are lots of good strains out there.

For the record my dry record is 515g from an Auto Ultimate.

Hmmm only one other person it could be then..................... and sorry for being wrong!
Yes thats Dry bro:tiphat: I was sure tang hit 1000 g mark my bad man.:Cheers: 500 still :kusht:
Damn well better be dry!
No reason to post wet weights if dry weights aren't posted.
GB wasnt u up there with ur latest grow?:Sharing One:
A little junkyard math done. 2.25 lbs dry off 1 auto??? Holy f**k that's a bfp
Jep Pop 2 Oz even with Small Containers(over here 1,8 oz in 4 liter coco) is really easy to Archive with the Mephistos. For me Tyrone Special was so far the Biggest Yielder but i will make a lil List with the Yields from the Mephistos over here.
MG if you wouldn't mind assigning potency as well for each strain, that would be euphoric.:Sharing One:
I think ShortStuff will be showing the final weight pics today/tonight.
I can't really say until the contest is over.
I can say I weigh the whole plant after chopping, and I have seen wet weights as High as 5000g.
My dry weight (@ rh 62-64) usaully comes in at 10%-25% of plant weight, so wet weight only serves to provide a very rough idea of what dry weight will be.

1000g dry is my goal, although Seymour's goal of 750g dry in 90 days is a very good target as well.
Let me add, you should get 2-3 oz from ANY Mephisto strain when grown right. Many people here have far exceeded that with some strains. BUT... concentrating on yeild over quality isn't the way to go.I'd rather have 1 ounce of 2 hit smoke, over a bag full of smoke a whole joint weed......

I agree, Mephisto kicks ass! Quality over quantity ANY day! RS