Wow Bel' you burned through some auto's then! Mephisto is brilliant, I agree :smoking:
... I'm growing some photo's from his parent experiment stock this year, F1, S1,
- the new Artisanal line is amazing! Grape Crinkle is about the frostiest plant I've seen!
.... in bloom, I don't think it's heat that will accelerate an N defc., per se,... more likely it's just natural variation between strains, it size, and the amount of N she stocked up on earlier,.... N is one of the nute' elements that gets absorbed whether the plant needs it or not! This is why N toxicity happens as often as it does, particularly with heavy handed fertilizing, and as fast as it does,.. the plant can only absorb and store so much before the excess starts causing problems,... conversely, I often see folks who use very mild nute's, or are systematically light feeders, end up short on N during bloom, and the plant starts tapping into the fans for supplies sooner than usual, and sometime very heavily, losing lots of fans too early... both of which will lessen yield from loss of energy generation from fans and the metabolic costs of translocating those nutes,... I have a great case in point for you mate, check out this page from the KindSoil thread.. this soil is ultra rich and well composted, used as a bottom layer with reg. soil above, so the plant can tap into it at it's own pace, by demand,... no nutrients are added, I do mean zero-- it's part of KindSoils advertised grow program, and theses grows here are putting this methodology to the test! Auto's are not well documented.tested with kindSoil, so this is fresh "data" in a way-
... check out EyesonFire and Bromeo's two test plants-- different strains, sizes... in both cases you'll see one plant is hurting for more nutes the other is just fine,... interesting!