Hey Bel'- I think mostly N defc., perfectly normal at this stage as you know! ...might be a little Mg defc., had to say since they both can show with similar initial symptoms,... you can certainly add some Ca-Mg for now, even add a bit of grow nutes to the bloom, to ease off the N demand for another week,... she looks pretty close, but the trich's tell the best tale on this assessment,... so the extra N is up to you and what you think the harvest time will be,...
very nice crop all around mate,
-- great work!
.... I love the burly, short fat budded girls like Sour Crack and Toof! Have you grown Toof before? -that one is a keeper, I love mine
, down to the last few g's though,... aromatics and flavor are delish', and the buzz is really nice, not
stoopid heavy....