New Grower Beginner grow confused by so many nutrients

Jan 10, 2018
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For a beginner, the sheer number of nutrients out there can be really confusing. They all sound like something I'll need at some point, especially with names like mammoth, overdrive, bud candy, bud hardener, jumpstart, bloom booster, rock resonator, terpinator, diamond nectar, etc.....!!!!

I am growing autos in coco. I have canna A B (seemed simple) and cal-mag. Got budcandy off amazon while high because it sounded good, and I'm a sucker like that.

I'm sure I can do the whole grow with just Canna A/B and calMag but
I definitely want to maximize my yield but have no clue what works and what's a waste of money.

Any nutrient tips or experience with products in coco would be appreciated.
Welcome to AFN! You are 100% correct.. It can be very overwhelming trying to use/choose a nute line. Myself and many others keep it as simple as possible. Canna A&B is a good start.. And super simple. Just keep in mind that in nature, your plant would never need overdrive or mammoth or bud candy or any other "enhancer" to grow amazing buds. Some products are nothing more than a money grab, targeted at newer growers. I like to feed my plants any ole organic based nute line, but then give them the best lighting, spectrum , and environment that I can give them. Nutes wont really maximize your yield. But the good ole basics of growing will.
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I'm sure I can do the whole grow with just Canna A/B and calMag
I did that several grow ago and it worked out just fine. I have too many nutes in all honesty. I am sure that I will eventually cut them down. Less is more in many situations.