Thanks man, at this time I may pull the skunk. most all of these were replaced with Mephisto seeds. the cheese is finally doing alright so far. but the skunk isnt happy at all.LOL! drooping like it was overly fed and I know for a fact its not yet. sooooo. Thanks again man :)
pulled the last Skunk. real shame.but was not performing at all.

ill also get some newer pics soonest too since they are almost ALL up and going now. have about 12 plants and six are fully biotab grows and the others are partial mixtures and ill hit them with a tea and used startrex and a few other things. a partial as i call it. :)

i'll hit these all with a solution of starter juice in a handful of days or this weekend. Cheers all. :) happy they look so good so far. the cheese is waining a little but we'll see. I remain hopeful. she should not be so pale since I know the foods in the 50% cut of my soil would easily sustain her thus far. soooo,again lol we'll see. temps are cooler,RH is low due to winter. warming mat is set at 78 and stable right around 76 F or so.or 24C

i'll hit these all with a solution of starter juice in a handful of days or this weekend. Cheers all. :) happy they look so good so far. the cheese is waining a little but we'll see. I remain hopeful. she should not be so pale since I know the foods in the 50% cut of my soil would easily sustain her thus far. soooo,again lol we'll see. temps are cooler,RH is low due to winter. warming mat is set at 78 and stable right around 76 F or so.or 24C

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Looking like you were off to a good start. I will be running BioTabs in coco and autopots in April with some Sweet Seeds Dark Devils and will sub in to see how you do with them.:pop:
Hey eyes brother- you make growing in dirt look so organised an clean. When i was filing pots the place was a mess!
Really loving how these biotabs are producing so far hope they do the do the business for you! I fact these may even tempt me away from hydro when i gen a new room built. Digging that glen porter tune too
Happy growing brother
thank you fellas!! yeah a lot of ppl think dirt is dirty.and thats absolutely disturbingly hilarious imo LOL! dirt is good for you ,especially if its living no less. just google the microbiome. learn a little something about yourself and dirt LOL! and things. thanks again guys i am looking forward to a solid turn out. :)
yeah I just wanted to say Im going to hang my T-5 unit up. I hate doing weelings under LED lights. the closet case is nice but a smaller foot print than I require. sooooo :D thanks,ill have an update in a few days. one stiltion special partial fizzled. nothing to do with the tabs at all. soooo. soaking a new.if that dont take ill do something else and go with the one :)

not every one but a large portion are done with Bio Tabs startrex and partial kit and full BT or BioTabs. a few are not like two and two are another mix Im doing for a good pal. but all (or well,most rather) are mostly bio tab and at this point they all look the same. got them under a T5 unit finally. damn my back hurts. nother sour lemon bowl is seems LOL! or maybe ill eat some in a yougurt. hmmmmmm minds working now. okay well here go a few healthy seedlings. so lets Do It shall we? lol

ill be using the starter soaking here very soon. just going to use it as an early starter feed at half strength, unless someone tells me others wise,so I plant touse it as a two part longer bacteria tea feed. essentially what it is. a start juice to act with the startrex or compost materials. :D

lmfao! ya man! it surely is indeed. LOL! Thanks! ill be feeding them the soaking today at some point for the cheese and a few others. if your still on lemme ask you this man. can I split the initial bacteria feed and kick off aspect of the soil wioth the 1 litre feed of 1 teaspoon of mycotrex and the organitrex. full strength or even should I soak thee entire pot with it. like 2 or 3 litres of same strength dilution just more of it. how will that work for younglings in your opinion..? thanks man!!