New Grower Bandit's Cheesy Grow.....

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This is the beginning of my first grow. I guess I should start off with some information on the grow.

I have a 47"x20"x72" closet that I am converting into a grow room. I have Diamond Foiled the walls and I am currently working on ventilating into the attic. I will be growing in Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil. I am still undecided on the lighting. I am debating between the following fixtures:

BadBoy HOT5 (six Bulb)

HTG 135w 7Band LED

and 250w HPS/MH

I just received my seeds :)

Barney's Farm Little Cheese
Auto Seeds Purple Cheese

Any advice is appreciated and I will update shortly.

Given those choices I would go with the Bad Boy. A lot less heat to deal with compared to HPS. I'm in the process of helping a friend set up a closet grow in a same sized closet. That's what we'll be putting in his. That LED is way too small and under powered to give you good coverage in that sized area. If you're interested in using LEDs I'd suggest two of the Blackstar 240s. They would rock that closet.

FFOF can be too hot for a lot of seedlings and can burn them up. I'd suggest something like Pro Mix or Sunshine Mix or mixing the FFOF 50/50 with Happy Frog or Lite Warrior.
Good Afternoon Everyone!!

Well, I have finally decided on the lighting that I am going to be using:

Floralux 150w HPS (x2)

I will be starting the seedlings under HO T5 (would something like a 2 or 4 bulb unit work?).

Seeds have already been sowed in the FFOF. I did this before reading about it being a little hot for babies. Should I start over or will they be ok?

seed are awlfully expensive and
a hot soil can either stunt growth,
or produce a disproportionate number
of males, so..
I would srart in a non-fertilized seedling
soil, seems to give better results...:2cents:
I haven't grown those strains but I have had issues with seedlings in FFOF. My last grow I had two plants take off in the FFOF and grow really well. Showed sex at 2 weeks but they ended up finishing kind of early and not yielding as much as I would have liked. I fried several other seeds trying to start them in the same soil & then I gave up and did some Light Warrior seedling mix in a party cup. About 7-10 days in I tiered them into the FFOF. They started slower and took an extra week to show sex, but ultimately yielded more than those started in the hotter mix. Based on that experience and reading many other journals with similar problems, I'll always be starting in a seedling mix.

Did you germ the seeds in a paper towel before planting them? If so, I'd probably leave them alone and cross your fingers. If you put the uncracked seed straight into the soil, you probably have time to dig it out and move it to a cooler soil mix.
I did not germinate the seeds prior to sowing, so I hope I will be safe taking them out.

I am interested in the tiering method. You just start them in s small container (cup) and cut the bottom out setting them in their final growing pot once large enough? Starting them in Light Warrior is a good idea?

Thanks for all the advice!

So, this evening I shall be heading to the nearest garden center to get my hands on some FF Light Warrior, or FF Happy Frog. I guess this means that I will be Re-Sowing this evening.

Well, I have the grow room in progress. The seeds are sowed (in a 50/50 mix of FFOF and FFLW) I am germinating under this fixture and plan on keeping them under in for the first three weeks of veg. growth. Any thoughts on this?

It seems like a decent fixture, and the room is pretty bright. I planted two Purple Cheese and two Little Cheese, saran wrapped the pots and now the waiting begins.

Hello Everyone!

I checked the Grow Room this morning and I have life. Two of the four have sprouted (one LC and one PC). Hopefully the other two are not too far behind.

Pictures to come....
