OLD REVIEWS Bal's Super Cali Haze - grow review

The issue with dead calyxes was not present until two or three weeks prior to chop. It might be just a problem with my grow conditions, I can't say for sure.
Fact is I cut the plants just soon enough to prevent some serious trouble.
But as I said, it's not gonna be a problem in semi-dry climate, just with shitty weather like I(and Maffro) had this autumn.

About the soil, I think they can take a broad spectrum of soil types, mine was not so airy but I tried not to make it hard. It's always nice for a plant if a medium does not have much resistance for the roots to spread.
My plants were also given some mid strong nutes, once I just poured some AlgaBloom/Vitamins mix which by hydro standards would kill a plant in minutes. Guess what, they took it like champs.
I obviously couldn't make any extensive test, but I believe Stitch that they can take it pretty hard. I can't say for pots, only for ground planted.

And about the smoke, to be sincere, it's my first time growing a sativa and also to smoke one.
I'd say(after a really short cure) it's 90/10 in terms of head/body, if you ask me for some words to describe it, would be - cerebral, mood enhancing, stimulating, rushy, calming(yes, it goes both ways - calm+active), happy face, social, subtle, mild, smooth.
I maybe wish it to be a bit stronger, but in 6-7 hours of sun it's what I can get.
They are definitely in every way better than my photo plants from last year.

And I agree with you on the looks, my Sati-Chaze looked a lot like many sativa landrace plants I seen on "the Mag". Pure beauties.:dancer:

Thanx a lot, mister;)
Hearing about the monster No.1 is a delight, I had a suspicion the girls have a potential to grow as large as proper photos. I guess I have to improve my grow space for next year and make myself a monster-auto:)
Thinking of your new releases, the Thai being the most desirable for now.

I can easily say there will always be a place in my grows for your superautos, stitch:thumbs:

Next year I'll probably add a photo plant, not sure yet.

There will be more of those reports, got some Chazes to praise:)


*Stitch, I still owe you the photos! I didn't forget it;)

The issue with dead calyxes was not present until two or three weeks prior to chop. It might be just a problem with my grow conditions, I can't say for sure.
Fact is I cut the plants just soon enough to prevent some serious trouble.
But as I said, it's not gonna be a problem in semi-dry climate, just with shitty weather like I(and Maffro) had this autumn.

About the soil, I think they can take a broad spectrum of soil types, mine was not so airy but I tried not to make it hard. It's always nice for a plant if a medium does not have much resistance for the roots to spread.
My plants were also given some mid strong nutes, once I just poured some AlgaBloom/Vitamins mix which by hydro standards would kill a plant in minutes. Guess what, they took it like champs.
I obviously couldn't make any extensive test, but I believe Stitch that they can take it pretty hard. I can't say for pots, only for ground planted.

And about the smoke, to be sincere, it's my first time growing a sativa and also to smoke one.
I'd say(after a really short cure) it's 90/10 in terms of head/body, if you ask me for some words to describe it, would be - cerebral, mood enhancing, stimulating, rushy, calming(yes, it goes both ways - calm+active), happy face, social, subtle, mild, smooth.
I maybe wish it to be a bit stronger, but in 6-7 hours of sun it's what I can get.
They are definitely in every way better than my photo plants from last year.

And I agree with you on the looks, my Sati-Chaze looked a lot like many sativa landrace plants I seen on "the Mag". Pure beauties.:dancer:

You have just guaranteed that I'll be growing this next year, I only wish I didn't have to wait 6+ months to plant them. That's the kind of high I love hearing about. I mostly work with concentrates and edibles so potency isn't my primary concern (I could make caps strong enough to poleaxe most smokers after an oil run easily enough), but quality of high counts for a lot for me. I love that 'shit-eating grin, eyes so red it looks like they could be bleeding, everything is alright in the world and I want to move right now' high, and knowing I could grow that outdoors where I currently live is awesome. The places I've found are good for 10 hours lightly filtered sun at the minimum, and I might even have an open location for full sun the entire season, so light shouldn't be an issue.

My biggest interest in autos has always been maybe breeding them with some old pure sativa landraces so they could be grown outdoors outside the tropics. Many of them have autoflower tendencies as it is, so it doesn't seem like it would take a terrible amount of work considering. I don't have the necessary space so its always been a pipe dream, but knowing that others have done similar gives me hope. Also, the fear of breeding away that high I love so much was a concern, but it sounds like that may not be the worry I thought it was. Now I just need to find auto-amphetaweed and auto-'am I tripping?' weed and I'll have my entire summer (and half the forested area in a 10 mile radius) spoken for.
My biggest interest in autos has always been maybe breeding them with some old pure sativa landraces so they could be grown outdoors outside the tropics.

Hell yeah! Just what I'm looking for:) Dreaming about Zamal and Durban superautos sometimes.
You might also try Chaze and hope for the sativa pheno. It's even nicer to my taste than the SCH.

I'll make a review about it sometime next week:peace:
Zamal is on the way to be done end of 2014

Hell yeah! Just what I'm looking for:) Dreaming about Zamal and Durban superautos sometimes.
You might also try Chaze and hope for the sativa pheno. It's even nicer to my taste than the SCH.

I'll make a review about it sometime next week:peace:

Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep an eye out for that. I've thought about breeding those myself. The only problem is it could take years to get an auto potent enough to live up to the reputation of some landraces. Getting it fully auto is easy enough, but then hitting it with non-auto landrace pollen from the same strain, breeding it back to auto, on and on until you have over 93% landrace while still autoflowering and avoiding genetic bottlenecks could take years with the long-flowerers. But can you imagine how great the end product could be for people who live outside the tropics?

I'd love to try it and I will have seeds on the way shortly, but Zamal scares the hell out of me. Over the years I've smoked Durban, Swazi, and Lambs Bread (I've smoked other landraces, but none that have the same reputation as 'terror weed'). They were all strong enough, but Zamal is supposed to be much stronger. There are reports of serious potheads whiting out, vomiting, or fighting off panic attacks because Zamal was so potent. As someone who usually only does edibles and concentrates, that's some scary potential.

I used to like to sometimes give average smokers a pure sativa bud and laugh to myself as they'd look at it incredulously. Pure sativas have no bag appeal for your average smoker. After convincing them to trust me and smoke it, all you had to do was sit back and watch while it hit them. Usually 5 minutes was all it took for this look of surprise to come over their faces, and I think most of that was just because they weren't getting any of the slowness or body feelings most people associate with being high. But I don't think I'd ever try to surprise someone with anything Zamal related.

Zamal is on the way to be done end of 2014


I think I might love you, stitch. Are you crossing it to your proprietary auto directly, or are you breeding into something you've already developed? Are you going to offer fems only, or regular seeds as well? I'd grab at least one pack regardless, but I'd love the ability to grow the line out myself.
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Sweet report Balarama, wish we could swap and compare ! but hey atleast we got something from seed that is grown as nature intended with a super kind high too, loving the sch high - will put down GTA5 for a minute and do a report - you have inspired me.
yeah the brown calyx problem wasnt expected, i think they where the 1st calyxes to pop out and as the plants progress they must just die off ?
:slap:Next year starting earlier for sure
i'm working on several zamal breeds that people from la reunion island brought me from there as i'm french and as it is a french island.
I'm working two dif ways, crossing them with my stitch0.1 and my Stitch 0.3 sativa selection.

It is a very nice and potent smoke for strong smokers

i'll only offer it in fem version
hahaha i know, but i don't want other seeds bank to work to much with it Mike

shame to those you copy or use the hard work of other ones...don't you think bro?
