Indoor Bagseed? Advanced Nutrients

Jun 3, 2014
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Hi Y'all its been a few years. lol

I've got a few minor grows in after that but this time I had to try out advanced nutrients PH perfect's line up.

This is also my first DWC experience.

I got random seeds from supposedly amsterdam so I have no idea but it's a mix...exciting?
I'm also curious to see the potential of the nutes when applied to possibly basic buds. (chronic?)

This is the only forum I've ever used so bare with me if their not Autos.

After germinating in rockwool, I had a horrible stretch problem (3in)so I took the seedlings out of rockwool and into my cloning machine like cuttings so they don't fall over.

Everything was great until I had 3 pretty much die from some sort of issue which could of been 5 reasons or more:
250w MH 2ft from seedlings
28~30degree temperature
Root rot issues
Nutrient burn (0.6ml in 800ml)
Co2 deficiency etc
(Update: Answer was heat from lamp with cooling fan not timed right. FUCK)

It can't be an issue with PH because yea it's perfect.

Long story short, I'm very worried now and depressed about failure so I've started this Journal to keep me on my toes with prowling eyes.

Goal is to get a pound from 2 plants in 2 DWC 5gallons with a 600w MH/HPS
I got 5 unknowns left, so hopefully we even get females for the most part.

I'll post photos in a few hours.
Please don't have me do this one alone  ;(

Question/ comments welcome
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It doesn’t make your PH perfect. It is a mix that has the ability to be used over a wider range of PH. PH still needs to be within the recommended range but less items get locked out through the swings with PH Perfect. Just adding that based on what I’ve seen. Never really used the stuff but noticed many who have expected it to correct wonder what the issue is. It’s perfect for some and not for others so the more you know going in the better prepared you’ll be. I think think the general consensus is 5.5-7.0 starting and the PH perfect will allow optimal absorption of all nutrients. Growers Using it to correct very high or very low starting PH are usually disappointed.

Disclaimer though, all just regurgitated knowledge I’ve picked up being addicted to reading through AFN.

Good vibes on your grow.
Wait whaaat!? First off thanks for the feedback! Have you not seen the youtube videos with the 3 different PH's instantly changing to 5.8 when adding the nutes? I'm so lost right now WTF! :help:

Then again, it's not like ADN tells you what PH it'll turn your water into....

10mins later, I checked forums and I have a better understanding now. I'm am using RO water (0ppm)but something I should mention is I accidentally refridgerated the nutes for 4 days... Am I doomed?
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Ph perfect will work like you think assuming your water isn't terrible. I have used it successfully with RO water where it works 100%. Many use it with tap water that has a reasonable starting pH.

Tap water where I live now is only 120 ppm, and I plan to use it with pH perfect without ever checking my pH.

Previously where I lived my tap had ppm of almost 400... It was highly treated water not great for hydro so I used RO water and rarely checked pH. When I did check, it was always 5.8-6.0.

It wont hurt to check if it works with your water by checking the pH of your nutrient mix occasionally, and check the starting ppm of your tap water to get an idea of how likely it is to work.

It's harder to keep stable pH in systems like dwc where the roots are changing the chemical composition 24/7 so you might either want to change rez out more frequently or keep a pH meter around so you know when it's time to change it out.

Using pH perfect with drain to waste where nothing really messes with the chemical composition of the rez is going to keep a more stable pH for longer, but many use pH perfect in recirculating systems as well, and do just fine.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
I have been using pH perfect with my tap and no pH meter in sight for first 7-10ish days with 0 issues and my plants look fine (see attached for photo at day 7ish).

It will probably take a few tries until you are able to get your environment figued out and start growing healthy plants.

Aiming for a pound on your first grow will probably leave you fairly disappointed unless you have someone experienced who can actually be in your garden with you constantly and help show you the ropes. It's definitely a learning game, and it can be pretty rough if you go in with high expectations.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
PH perfect IMO is great stuff how ever unless you are feeding full strength dosage you should always be checking your PH once full strength is achieved you can worry less but should always be checking even test strips would get you by
So much love!
I do have a ph/ppm meter btw but seems its not accurate lately...and like I said this isn't my first grow but DWC yea... The water is the refillable type you'd see at grocery stores with 0ppm. 7-7.5ph (I checked the website and it's RO water :headbang:

I had a frenzy yesterday with the ph adjusting/testing using no other chemicals and no matter what ph I mixed with AN (voodoo +gmb) it read 5.5 so it is working I assumed.

My problem probably is feeding to early even with 1/4 of the recommended dose for week1.

I'm probably just going to straight water again until 4th leaves?
They just have the 2nd set coming in. (10days including germination day)

Also putting filters on my ducts that are attached to my AC tonight.

I'll show my setup in just a few hours but man, the more I grow the more issues seem to arise.

the colars for the plants are white/spongy and are starting to change color because of algae I assume. (going to put brown tape over them)

My guess for the dead 3 is probably a lot of stress from environmental climate changes and other things. Hopefully their not all dead when I get back.

I might just start over... About 40 more random seeds of who knows what. lol

I'll be experimenting a lot this round.
Thanks ya'll
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IMG_20190616_064935.jpg IMG_20190616_072307.jpg

There ya have it; still in the game. lol

I came to conclusion the plants were not supposed to be under an MH250 at all so I switched it out with some blue LED's and two 6w bulbs.

Temps are around 24-26 (73〜78)

I got 3 fans spinnin around which way.

So is that root rot or what on the 2 in photo? The others have established nice root systems for the most part...

Can I give em co2 yet?!
I put a old smartphone and use alfred to monitor them now :pop:
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Just wanted to follow up here and report that sadly I cannot vouch for these nutes in a recirculating system. They claim pH perfect will last a week, but after 5 days in my 17 gallon ebb and flow rez the pH read almost 7.0.

I would recommend pretty much any other nutrient line if you are doing recirculating.
Love my pH-perfect Sensi coco nutrients. I haven't measured pH or ppm in years, just 2ml A & B per liter and no problems.