Back to Eden

i love the back to eden method and have been applying it on out property here now for two years with excellent results. last year a friend came over and was surprised to e a kale plant which had gotten huge. I think there is a lot to be said for applying mulch. Also makes picking out weeds SO much easier. I Now apply straw from bedding animals (goats, chickens) and let it break down. Summer time i find is the quickest. Its full of manure which also adds some nitrogen to the soil. I havnt tried growing pot in it yet because i like to keep my girls in pots but i may give it a go with one this year

Top tip if you want to break down your carbon quicke is to run over some straw with a lawnmower then spread the fine pieces (even btween plants) then if you want you can use your own urine to help it break down quicker. In the summer time this is a quick solution to get kick ass soil