Babylon Burning Select Test Grow.

Added 20 cc of supercharge ( basically the same as recharge ) water around each plant, lowered the lights and adjusted to 1/3 power in the main tent. Same for the sideshow except the lights, not all are above soil yet. Fingers crossed.
New goodies
Saw this on that other thread, think it was riu. Some crazy finds lately considering trying the silver earring method myself lol
He also tried a silver chain I think. So far anything I've seen over hasn't really gotten to the level of semi scientific approach that I'd half assed think of as reliable. just a few words and light on pics but interesting enough to give a try over here anyways.
He also tried a silver chain I think. So far anything I've seen over hasn't really gotten to the level of semi scientific approach that I'd half assed think of as reliable. just a few words and light on pics but interesting enough to give a try over here anyways.
Yeah I completely agree, far from a definitive scientific discovery but it does give for some interesting results and if successful I bet we will end up seeing larger scale testing.
L-Tryptophan experiment.
Ok, started the experiment. Using .1 gram in 1 liter for about 100 ppm. Will be doing foliar spray and spraying the soil

The experiment

The control.

After drying there are signs of residue.
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