New Grower Baby steppin' Outdoors

Jul 7, 2018
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I'm a first time auto grower. I have indoor experience from many years ago. Clearly not the same at all.
  • A feminized tangerine dream.
  • Approx 3 gallon fabric pot.
  • Where? Coastal South Carolina.
  • Full sun 8-10 hours a day
  • Soaked and paper towel germination
  • Placed seed in jiffy mix (about 1cup) in center of Eccoscraps potting soil so I don't need to transplant. 7.15.18
  • Watered in well.
  • Humidity is around 75-95%
I'm cautiously optimistic...
Welcome t o the great outdoors an welcome to afn glad to have you here an autos do great outside im not familiar with the products you are using but every thing definitely sounds great .
It's funny I love to garden and play in the dirt. Give me a plant or a seed and I plunk it in the ground and give it barely a second thought and it does great.
Now when you spend 9-10 bucks per seed it's a game changer. Not only that you expect it to provide a viable product, not just look pretty. I need to stop hovering. I think it makes her nervous.
On that note I will be fertilizing with fish emulsion during veg and I purchased Recharge from Real Growers to make the soil/roots happy. I have organic blood meal and bone meal as well. I have a pH test kit and will certainly be using that. I'm really on a very limited budget. I will be reading and researching what is best during flowering. Any thoughts are definitely appreciated. Thanks!
Yes, the humidity here is high. I chose this strain and two others, haze xl AF and Power Plant photo after quite a bit of research. All three appear to be tolerant of high humidity. On a side note I can bring them indoors at night into the AC. We keep the house at 78 degrees so not too cold. I have been reading so much that it all seems like a bit of a blur but apparently coming inside during flower at night will help with any mold issues.
This is just one big ole learning curve.
Yes, the humidity here is high. I chose this strain and two others, haze xl AF and Power Plant photo after quite a bit of research. All three appear to be tolerant of high humidity. On a side note I can bring them indoors at night into the AC. We keep the house at 78 degrees so not too cold. I have been reading so much that it all seems like a bit of a blur but apparently coming inside during flower at night will help with any mold issues.
This is just one big ole learning curve.

Yeah for sure indoors in AC air at night will help, increase the benefit by using a fairly strong oscillating fan to blow on it at night while they are indoors.
My tangerine dream seedling is out in the shade. Her growing medium is damp from the moisture in the air last night.
I soaked a Haze XL auto yesterday in a solution of 3% peroxide and water. It cracked and formed a taproot overnight. Yikes. I wasn't sure if that would actually work. I placed her in a paper towel and poured the water over her. I have her pot prepared. I know one day I will just pop my seeds in the soil and call it a day. I'm not quite there yet.
I am back again for a second season. I wasn't really very active and I am going to try and be more so this season. Honestly once my girls were established I just left them alone and had a pretty nice harvest and I am still enjoying the fruits of my labor. I don't smoke a lot, mainly when I get together with friends and then it might be a joint or two.

The issues that I was worried about, high humidity, high heat and lack of air circulation wasn't really a problem. I would bring them into the screen porch if the weather was going to be very rainy and I would leave the ceiling fan on for them. I had some little caterpillars that were eating fan leaves. I would pluck them off. Then I moved some assassin bugs that I found in my garden onto my ladies and poof! No more munched on leaves. I will do that again this year. I always have assassin bugs on my passion vine.
My Tangerine Dream auto seeds (3) from Growers Choice failed to thrive. What a disappointment. I had better luck with Power Plant Photo and the Haze XL Auto I had few seeds left from last year and that is what I am growing now.

Haze XL started February 1st. So she is about 60 days. I topped her and did some LST. I also had to move her into a bigger fabric pot. I know that is a bit of a no-no but she was taking in so much water and drying out so quickly I felt like I had a small window to move her and I took it. I slit the sides of her small fabric pot and put her in a larger bag. She stalled a bit but is looking green, healthy and is well into pre-flower. It got cold here again so that didn't really help her.
The area with the white pipe cleaner is were one of her branches cracked. Obviously I was a little to over zealous in my LST but the she didn't miss a beat.

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My plan is to make some tincture with about half of whatever I harvest. I have been really loving ingestibles.
Happy Growing
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