#AutowarriorsDo..pop22 Live Stoners

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Hey man thanks for your awesome answers and hanging with us! :slap:

I've got to get back to work but will come back later to see the rest! Hope to try to grow some of your famous strains sometime, can be hard getting seeds in this part of the US though : P

Seeya around cowboy! :pass:
@pop22 we all appreciate the time and love you put here into the community. I don't think we can all thank you enough for what you provide to the community! It was cool of you to join us today and shoot the crap with us and give us some info and answers into the mind of a mad scientist!
Unfortunately my 1 yr old is demanding I feed him with a relentless onslaught of crying so I'm going to have to take off. I'd say your experienced enough that I feel comfortable leaving you with the wolves lol.
Once again thanks man and I really enjoyed all of us getting together again today! Good stuff!
All you stoners have a wonderful day and don't forget to give pop a Nice rep slap on your way out! Thanks to everyone for hanging out!
Must be a photoperiod!!
Nearly 3k comments later how long do these go on for

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All depends on if people still have questions and as long as the interviewee is prepared to talk for.
A short interview might be an hour, I got interviewed for 3 hours and some have been upto 3 1/2 hours.
No one is obliged to stay longer than they want but pop is such an interesting guy, I think I'm gonna stay to the end!
My experiment growing in mud was an abject failure...lol! The most surprising wasn't an experiment, it was a plant my dog ripped out of the soil when it was maybe 2 weeks old. Don't know how long it lay there. I replanted it, fully expecting it to die, but it became one of the best plant in that grow!

Hey @pop22 hope the questions arent building up on you!
What lab experiment result surprised you the most?
Any tests you ran ever make you eat your words?
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