Autos not branching?

Jun 4, 2020
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I've had a few autos that I've grown lately that grew just straight up with barely any (if any) branches. These things just look like tall dongs and balls. I am assuming I stressed them and over watered them but has anyone else had this happen? Does over watering cause this? Any tips for developing branches besides topping? I got a 4x4 with a SF SE 5000 480W so I don't think its a lighting issue but I do try and keep it at the top of the tent as I've had light issues in the past with plants.
Ive had problems in the past with my autos growing like you're describing and for me it was a combination of overwatering and not balancing my PH correctly or at all really. Not to mention that some autos just like to stay small. Once I started doing things more in tune with the plants needs they seem to be growing bigger. I think it's just about giving them every chance to succeed and keeping your fingers crossed you got good phenotype and genetics in your beans.