Indoor Autos in Autos! (Mephisto in Autopots).

Day 30 and some long overdue defol and training for the Creme d l C. Dbl grape continuing with lst on the 4 main branches. temps steady between 19 - 28 C, RH 20-55%. This is night to day fluctuations and having my small humidifier run out from time to time. Res is at 550 ppm, 5.80 ph.
Pistils are plainly evident and things are starting to shape up.
Day 34 and flowering is taking hold. Plants starting to kick growth up a notch. added a bit of flowering nutes and upped the ppm to 600. ph@5.8.
temps 20-27C, RH 30-55%. light lowered to 20 inches. Doing selective trimming of fan leaves and the odd secondary top. Still ponytailing the CDLC overnight usually. dbl grp is setting up well with the topping working out I think. So far so good.

Looking great....keep up the great care.

I have 4 mephistos (grapey walter, forgotten cookies, white crack, samsquanch og) in autopots at day 30, also...did not have time to journal(taking care of elderly dad, traveling)

Loving your grow---thx for sharing. :pass:
Looking great....keep up the great care.

I have 4 mephistos (grapey walter, forgotten cookies, white crack, samsquanch og) in autopots at day 30, also...did not have time to journal(taking care of elderly dad, traveling)

Loving your grow---thx for sharing. :pass:
Hey @idiopathic neuropathy ,
Thanks for your positve comments,
I hope your plants are looking real good as well.
Kudos on stepping up to look after your elederly father. Not an easy task but it has its own rewards.

Day 34 and flowering is taking hold. Plants starting to kick growth up a notch. added a bit of flowering nutes and upped the ppm to 600. ph@5.8.
temps 20-27C, RH 30-55%. light lowered to 20 inches. Doing selective trimming of fan leaves and the odd secondary top. Still ponytailing the CDLC overnight usually. dbl grp is setting up well with the topping working out I think. So far so good.

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Woohooo! Monsters on the way. Autopots kick butt. :biggrin: :pighug:
Woohooo! Monsters on the way. Autopots kick butt. :biggrin:
Hey @Olderfart lol, ya those autopots grow em good. Checked my float res and found roots this grow so will get a couple socks to prevent the valves from being overgrown.
Excited to see how these finish. Hope I can keep them on track.:pass:
Hey @Olderfart lol, ya those autopots grow em good. Checked my float res and found roots this grow so will get a couple socks to prevent the valves from being overgrown.
Excited to see how these finish. Hope I can keep them on track.:pass:

Hey John, you are on top of ppm and pH, so I expect that you will be golden. You certainly don't need to worry about the autopots doing a good job - but definitely watch those roots. They grow amazingly quick, and if they reach the actual incoming valve, you will have a flood. The socks work perfectly, at least they did for me.

Good luck, although I doubt that you will be needing it.
Day 40 and 14 days since pistils 1st showed themselves.
Both plants at 10.5" tall and growing about 1/2" per day while using nearly 2 liters of water a day. A little lighter green on the new growth and 5 ml of xtra
cal/mag added. ph-5.7, ppm-750. temps 26C, RH - 35-48%. Moved the lights to 22 inches above plants for the daily growth.
Fingers crossed I might have a handle on things.

Hey it's Day 46 for these pics and having a few issues with my Dbl Grape going yellow. Upped the nutes to 1000ppm but not much change. decided to check my ph meter and found it was .70 low so that could easily have caused some trouble. Still she is stretching and starting to put on some flowers. Creme d l Chem is doing fine. What's a grow without some challenges. All in all not too bad.
Hey it's Day 46 for these pics and having a few issues with my Dbl Grape going yellow. Upped the nutes to 1000ppm but not much change. decided to check my ph meter and found it was .70 low so that could easily have caused some trouble. Still she is stretching and starting to put on some flowers. Creme d l Chem is doing fine. What's a grow without some challenges. All in all not too bad.
Looking good! Thanks for all the detailed info on your Remo feed. Are you using the 500 or 700 scale for your ppm?