Indoor Autos in Autos! (Mephisto in Autopots).


semi-mad grower.
Cultivators Club
Jul 18, 2019
Reaction score
Late start to my Journal but I hope you like the information and find it useful.
I learned alot from my previous grow and want to continue the trend.

Double Grape and Creme de la Chem grown in Autopots using Remo Nutes.
My 1st grow with Mephisto and I am excited after seeing the huge amount of great plants grown by AFN's pool of amazing growers.
Seeds started January 7th in plastic tubs inside damp paper towels in a warm, dark place. 36 hrs later in solo cups and on the 10th they broke soil.. Super fast germination for both.
Here they are 7 days later.

January 18th placed in Autopots filled with 60/40 coco/perlite and precharged with calmag and a very light nutrient mix. 320ppm and ph of 5.7. Waterered through the pots when I repoted.
Keeping my nutes real low until the plants ask for more. I overdid the ppm's last grow and had ph lockout which caused stress to all the plants. trying to avoid that this go-round.
Growing in a 2x4 tent with a 238W qb type LED( dimmed down to about 65% and 26 inches above plants to start) and a MarsHydro 96 reflector for additional light when they get bigger. Slowly turning up the light and once near max will lower the light to find the sweet spot.

January 22 day 13 and they seem to like their new home. Temps are running 20C nights and 26C days. RH 40 to 50% with a humidifier running most of the time. Will be turning on the reservoir in a few more days or when the plants ask for more water. They appear to be rooting just fine.

I expect their growth to move into a higher gear soon as my last autos did near this stage.
Due to work and things I will post as often as I can.
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Looking good so far, good luck with the grow. Autopots work well, I expect you will get some nice plants. :cheers:
Looking good so far, good luck with the grow. Autopots work well, I expect you will get some nice plants. :cheers:
Thanks Olderfart,
These will make great sleep aids and pain killers for my wife and I. And if I have the time a good trip or 2.:sleeping::thumbsup:
Goodluck with the new grow! I will be following along I have been pondering AutoPots lately.
Goodluck with the new grow! I will be following along I have been pondering AutoPots lately.
Thanks wwonka,
Autopots certainly can grow frosty giants and take some of the day to day work out of a grow.
Happy you are following along. :cools::pass:
Day 16 and starting the res tomorrow,.Temps steady at 20-28C, RH 35-55%. Plants slightly droopy and the DG looking a little light colored compared to CDLC so top watererd with light nute solution of 420ppm with an xtra portion of cal/mag. PH - 5.9. RH should start to slowly go up as the plants get bigger. I'll run the humidifier until then. Otherwise things are happy in the tent.

Day 20 and started some training/ db Grape has a ponytail and leaf tucks. CDLC is topped and trimmed. temps 20/28C, 35-55% RH, ppm 540, ph 5.8
The xtra cal/mag addition has stopped the leaves from lightening.
Steady as she goes lads.

Day 23 and they are loving life so far. Had my plants or seeds mixed up but the strains have made themselves!
CDLC on the left is lighter green and bushy with ponytailing and tucking continuing.
Double grape on the right took the topping well and am quadlining at 3rd & 4th nodes.
Raised the lights to 30" and hopefully stretch them a bit as they are so compact right now. Temps 20-28C, RH 25-55%, Res is at 540 ppm, 6.0 ph.

Hey bushmasterar15, Thanks for stopping by.
Hoping to guide these gals to a great harvest.
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