Lighting Autos and Photos in same room?

Sep 26, 2019
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So I have recently taken a shot at growing. As a beginner I rushed things with my Autos and they were very slow going for the first 4 weeks.
Wrong PH/ did not rinse coco/ immediately put seedlings under 600 watt light in veg at 100%....... Rookie mistakes

I decided to pop some White Widow Photos that I got free from Seedsman.

My room is 4x6x8 I have 2 600w spider Farmer lights with veg and bloom switch. I also just bought the spider farmer 450. The plan was to raise the lights from 24" to 30" and run all 3 in this space?

Id also like to know if anyone runs photos with there Autos in the same room? Will the Bloom switch affect the Photos? If I only run Veg will it affect the Autos?

Ive read several things where people say they run both veg and bloom for the entire grow ?

Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated.

Spider Farmer 600watt = 285 from the wall
Spider Farmer 450watt = 208 from the wall
So I have recently taken a shot at growing. As a beginner I rushed things with my Autos and they were very slow going for the first 4 weeks.
Wrong PH/ did not rinse coco/ immediately put seedlings under 600 watt light in veg at 100%....... Rookie mistakes

I decided to pop some White Widow Photos that I got free from Seedsman.

My room is 4x6x8 I have 2 600w spider Farmer lights with veg and bloom switch. I also just bought the spider farmer 450. The plan was to raise the lights from 24" to 30" and run all 3 in this space?

Id also like to know if anyone runs photos with there Autos in the same room? Will the Bloom switch affect the Photos? If I only run Veg will it affect the Autos?

Ive read several things where people say they run both veg and bloom for the entire grow ?

Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated.

Spider Farmer 600watt = 285 from the wall
Spider Farmer 450watt = 208 from the wall

So when you are starting seeds they thrive in a warm, 75-80f, humid 90% or so, environment. They don't need much light at all in the beginning. You could start the lights around 40" until they emerge.

I've never used those lights to say but you could possibly expect a decrease in yield by running 12/12 and your lights not emitting enough photons to satisfy the autoflowers. You could run the 600s on veg and the 450 on bloom until the autos start flowering then you could run one 600 on bloom one on veg and the 450 on bloom. Once you go to 12/12 you would switch all three to bloom.

I'm running two autos under 11/13 with my photos
Running photos and autos works, but timing needs to be right to maximize your yield. Autos are run first, starting photos 1 month before chop. When you chop, you flip to 12/12, 3 weeks before cutting the photo, start autos. The difference in lighting won't hinder growth. Light to a set finished height, small ones have a canopy to hide under, while big girls take the majority of the light.

Running them flowering together on 12/12 will cut the yield of the autos quite a bit. Better to just run photos at that point.
Thanks guys.
My Autos are actually in week 6 and my photos are in week 1. The plan was to complete the Autos and Veg the photos. It should be a 6 week Veg for the photos?
I was never going to switch to 12/12 with the Autos. I was planning on keeping everything 18/6 until the Autos are done.
My main concern was the effect the Bloom switch will have on the photos while they are in Veg.
Ive read many people with these lights run veg and bloom together with autos? Is this a sound practice or should the lights just be in bloom when Autos start to flower?
I am still confused as to run veg only then bloom only or run veg and bloom together?
I was concerned with the 2 600watt lights not having enough coverage while in bloom, that is why I added another 450. Manufacture suggest 18 inches while in bloom. I am mainlining my photos so height should not be a issue at this point, main concern is how the bloom cycle will effect Veg in Photos?
Thanks guys.
My Autos are actually in week 6 and my photos are in week 1. The plan was to complete the Autos and Veg the photos. It should be a 6 week Veg for the photos?
I was never going to switch to 12/12 with the Autos. I was planning on keeping everything 18/6 until the Autos are done.
My main concern was the effect the Bloom switch will have on the photos while they are in Veg.
Ive read many people with these lights run veg and bloom together with autos? Is this a sound practice or should the lights just be in bloom when Autos start to flower?
I am still confused as to run veg only then bloom only or run veg and bloom together?
I was concerned with the 2 600watt lights not having enough coverage while in bloom, that is why I added another 450. Manufacture suggest 18 inches while in bloom. I am mainlining my photos so height should not be a issue at this point, main concern is how the bloom cycle will effect Veg in Photos?

If you're going to mainline it's going to be a longer veg that might not give you a higher yield over scrogging or just LST and topping.

You can run either veg, bloom, or both. How do you grow? Soil or hydro?
If you're going to mainline it's going to be a longer veg that might not give you a higher yield over scrogging or just LST and topping.

You can run either veg, bloom, or both. How do you grow? Soil or hydro?

That was another ? I was debating. I was leaning towards mainlining but now that you said it I think topping and scrog would be best.
I am using Coco as a medium.
That was another ? I was debating. I was leaning towards mainlining but now that you said it I think topping and scrog would be best.
I am using Coco as a medium.

Scrogging will work really well with stretchy tall plants with good branching structures. I had a scrog with a 3 week veg and 11 week flower, I fimmed them several times then went 11/13. I did it in coco as well. It will probably be your best usage of space with less plants.

Will you be hand watering or an irrigation system?
Scrogging will work really well with stretchy tall plants with good branching structures. I had a scrog with a 3 week veg and 11 week flower, I fimmed them several times then went 11/13. I did it in coco as well. It will probably be your best usage of space with less plants.

Will you be hand watering or an irrigation system?

To be honest , I have the budget for a irrigation system. But it is peaceful to hand water.
What was your watering schedule? I am feeding days 1 and 2 light water day 3 then no water for day 4. Not sure if this is correct but my plants look healthy.
I do feel like I could be over watering but so far I am not seeing any signs of unhappiness.
Only in week 2 with the white widow.
Im in week 6 with my autos, I had a terrible start because I did not prepare the coco. I did not rinse it and it was full of salt.
I water and feed the same way, so far other than them being small from the overload of salt in the coco they look good. Only one plant got a small case of nute burn in week 4.
There is so much different advice when it comes to watering. Its kind of a trial and error thing at this point.
Any input on becoming a great grower would be greatly appreciated.
To be honest , I have the budget for a irrigation system. But it is peaceful to hand water.
What was your watering schedule? I am feeding days 1 and 2 light water day 3 then no water for day 4. Not sure if this is correct but my plants look healthy.
I do feel like I could be over watering but so far I am not seeing any signs of unhappiness.
Only in week 2 with the white widow.
Im in week 6 with my autos, I had a terrible start because I did not prepare the coco. I did not rinse it and it was full of salt.
I water and feed the same way, so far other than them being small from the overload of salt in the coco they look good. Only one plant got a small case of nute burn in week 4.
There is so much different advice when it comes to watering. Its kind of a trial and error thing at this point.
Any input on becoming a great grower would be greatly appreciated.

I don't remember exactly but on another grow I watered 5 times in 24/0 while vegging the autos then 8 times in flower while 24/0. I had it set to water for several minutes where the final watering of the day was runoff.
I usually have a photo alongside my autos...I dont grow for yeild...only cause I like growing different stuff. I grow in small pots so I can grow several in my tent.
I veg everything 24/7 for 3-4 weeks under 96w t5... then to a bloom tent on 12/12 with 2 autocobs and MH ts1000.
Both do well and keeps me well stocked with variety.