Mephisto Genetics AutoPots Round 2 with 5 strains of Mephisto dank


Searching for that poontang pheno
Jan 16, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Creme da la Chem, Purple Nuggets, Grape Crinkle
Greetings fellow Meph heads! :pass:

I just finished my 1st AutoPots grow and I had a couple problems that greatly affected yield. All plants showed varying degrees of being water logged and I believe it was because I didn't increase the air flow by opening up the holes in the foamy lines that provide the air flow to the root system. So I've replaced the foamy things with regular round 2 inch air stones and I hope this will remedy the situation.

The following strains have been soaked 24 hours and planted last night. Alien Vs Triangle, Grape Walker Kush, Sour Stomper x Fantasmo Express, 3 Bears OG x Strawberry Nuggets, and 2X Creme da la Chem, (my favorite strain). AvT, GWK, and 2X CDLC will be ran in the AutoPots and the other 2 strains will go outside in 4 gallon pots with a mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forrest and Happy Frog for the medium. Also, I'll be running Fox Farm's Cultivation Nation in the AutoPots. I've never used this coco/perlite mix, but I trust Fox Farms, (more or less). Last grow I used a new brand of coco coir and I think that could have been part of the problem(s) I was having last grow. This plan is dependent on all beans germinating successfully. So any of the planned strains for the AutoPots that don't germinate will be replaced with one of the other two. All 4 AutoPots will be under a California Lightworks Solar Extreme 250 until they are ready to be hooked up to the res, (around 3 weeks), at which time 3 of the plants will go under MarsHydro TS-1000, (1 for each plant). I've noticed that plants grown under the Solar Extreme seem to show better growth during the seedling stage. I have a 480 CFM extraction fan and filter which will really be needed, as I've noticed the TS-1000 put out a lot of heat. This will be my 3rd grow with them, but my 1st summer .... so if the heat becomes too much, I will have to replace the TS-1000's with Auto Cobs.

Anyways, that's it for now except for sending out a few tags. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will consider following my grow. Comments, questions, and plenty of banter is welcomed and encouraged. :toke::pass:

@Wile e Peyote @Duckster @pop22 @woody @elcoloan @RivetGrrl @throxic @idiopathic neuropathy @hope2grow @olegren @nizmoKush @Cannabist @Olderfart @St. Tom @YoungGrassh0pper @cubfaninmo
I'm in..thx for the tag. Good growing!

I got a grow going with 2 plants in autopots and 2 plants hand watered same strains. I've never used airdomes, but have always put an inch or so of perlite in the bottom of the pot with either 100% coco or 70/30 coco to perlite. This time I DID NOT put a layer in the bottom of pot. I've observed the plants are lighter green in the autopots compared to the handwatered plants. Further, the autopot plants look droopy compared to the handwatered plants, suggesting to me overwatering. All plants fed with the same ratio of nutrients.
Thanks for the tag! Great to see you keep on with the Autopot!
Thanks for the tag. I'll be taking that big comfy chair in the front row!:pop:
I've used auto pots for years. I don't use the airdomes and I don't put any type of so called "drainage material" in the bottom. The concept is a myth, and is a voilation of the laws of hydraulics, which states, the interface between two dissimmilar materials will RESIST the flow of water until over come by gravity. So putting growstones, perlite, etc, is actually counter productive.
Once the root mass has filled the pot it is very unlikely you'll see signs of over watering. So either you started too soon, or you had some other issue. And if you were using air injection, it is even less likely as you can't drown the roots if the are being well aerated.

:"I got a grow going with 2 plants in autopots and 2 plants hand watered same strains. I've never used airdomes, but have always put an inch or so of perlite in the bottom of the pot with either 100% coco or 70/30 coco to perlite. This time I DID NOT put a layer in the bottom of pot. I've observed the plants are lighter green in the autopots compared to the handwatered plants. Further, the autopot plants look droopy compared to the handwatered plants, suggesting to me overwatering. All plants fed with the same ratio of nutrients."

You had some other issue going on, this is not likely an auto pot issue. I've grown over 100 plants in auto pots and have never had these type issues. it might happen if the valve opens too soon, causing the tray to never dry out, although highly unlikely, as you'd have flooding rather than just an always full tray, there is just very little that can go wrong with them, that's the beauty of this system. anytime you feel there is an issue, check to asee if the trays are functioning correctly. If they are, your problems lie elsewhere, likely a rootzone issue.
I've done several side by side, auto pot/hand watered comparisons and always the auto pots feed plants were superior in growth, color and bud production.
Also, never hand water an auto pot that is on the res, even if the surface seems dry. you'll then over water the plant if your not using air.

so I'll repeat, if the trays are functioning correctly, and you wait to start the res until the canopy is as wide as the pot, your issues are not related to the auto pots, it's just impossible.
Reservoir was turned on beyond 30 days and leaves were well beyond the perimeter of the pot, so I doubt it was root mass problems. I have throughly checked the valves and response is working properly. Perhaps, the lack of air/oxygen from the lack of material in the bottom of the pot when the tray is low in nutrients might be a causal factor, allowing for a "dryer oxygenated cycle". Just a thought -not saying I'm
right -just an observation/theory.
I am aware you are very experienced with autopots(seen many of your grows) and value your experiences, and I'm knowledgeable in the laws of physics, but there are other variables interacting within the dynamics of growing within these pots. I question why autopots suggest airdomes and/or stones in the bottom of the pot.
I also question auto pots stance. The airdome may be of value, and many people carry forward myths because they don't take the time to question things.
So I'm curious as to what did cause your issues. Possibly the medium? I'm not saying it is, exploring possibilities.

I know i was less than pleased by coco in autopots and my best results was with pure coco, no added perlite. My supposition is strictly anecdotal, but it seems to me coco is inconsistent in how it retains nutrients. That's when I started blending coco and soil, and my grows improved.

Reservoir was turned on beyond 30 days and leaves were well beyond the perimeter of the pot, so I doubt it was root mass problems. I have throughly checked the valves and response is working properly. Perhaps, the lack of air/oxygen from the lack of material in the bottom of the pot when the tray is low in nutrients might be a causal factor, allowing for a "dryer oxygenated cycle". Just a thought -not saying I'm
right -just an observation/theory.
I am aware you are very experienced with autopots(seen many of your grows) and value your experiences, and I'm knowledgeable in the laws of physics, but there are other variables interacting within the dynamics of growing within these pots. I question why autopots suggest airdomes and/or stones in the bottom of the pot.