Autopot PH issues...and lockout?

@Waira The soil he's using is the amended one - sphagnum peat moss, coco coir, aged softwood bark, perlite, worm castings, bat guano, feather meal, bone meal, blood meal, sulfate of potash, kelp meal, and volcanic ash.

That might help ya more in the diagnosis :thumbsup:
:pass: Cheers Shum, thank you! ...I think that's part of it, with potash (very alkaline), volcanic dust/ash (ditto), no lime oddly(?) all that other stuff makes this a true soil, not soilless! Promix, Sunshine Mix, coco/coco with minimal amendments are soilless,.... I'd test that soil by itself doing a slurry test....

* that said, the pH in mid-low 6's is fine, but over 6.8 is not,... true soil can still have lockouts around this, usually micronutes Fe/Zn,... now I'm wondering if she's just plain starving, or has a root problem (as Proph' mentioned) leading to that,... pH still suspect,... what are the ppm's going in the res'?

Sorry for the lag in response, timing on this is horrendous for sure. Managed to get the spaces situated and the girls separated.

Going into the rez was 6.2, I'd reached/peaked at about 1250ppm as TD1 was taking everything in stride and progressing normally.

Checking the soil pH with my $15 probe still reads high 7's, but I don't trust it one bit. A new probe is on the way but won't arrive for a while. Getting hands on an Accurate8 in Canada is apparently impossible.

With it not being real coco I put 6Gal through her at 5.8 in an attempt to bring it down, runoff started really high 7's and finished at 6.2, ppm's came down from 1250 to around 300. Waiting for her to dry out a bit and will go back to 2ml/l base mix + calmag at 5.8 - fingers crossed she starts to bounce back out now.

@Waira / @shumway would I be able to make a foliar spray with distilled and the AN Micro? My guess would be yes but I have no idea what concentration to use maybe .75 - 1ml/l?
Thanks again for all the help guru's.

More pics today in regular light. She's still drying out from the plain water flush and it doesn't seem to be getting worse - I feel like she could use another flush before a real feed. Thinking of using 5.8 with 2ml/L of micro and calmag - this still looks like micro lockout to me but I don't know how to solve it best with what I have on hand...

@Waira / @shumway would I be able to make a foliar spray with distilled and the AN Micro? My guess would be yes but I have no idea what concentration to use maybe .75 - 1ml/l?

Sorry man have no clue about using that micro for a foliar spray but if you do decide to do it i wouldn't use no more then a 1/4 of recommended dose,I'd wait and see what Waira has to say before doing anything tho really as could just end up making things worse,Bet that flush didn't do dick all really as most of those ingredients in the soil are slow release so you'll probably see everything start rising back up again as they continue to break down
Sorry man have no clue about using that micro for a foliar spray but if you do decide to do it i wouldn't use no more then a 1/4 of recommended dose,I'd wait and see what Waira has to say before doing anything tho really as could just end up making things worse,Bet that flush didn't do dick all really as most of those ingredients in the soil are slow release so you'll probably see everything start rising back up again as they continue to break down
Fair enough @shumway I'll sit tight for now. Shes still got a bit of drying out to do - I don't wanna end up overwatering too...
no more flushing, you risk root rot, and the pH/ppm is better now.... get on the feeds again now- :thumbsup: .... AN Micro might work, but it depends on what exactly is in that part of the line-up for micro's,... read the label and see if Fe, Zn, S, B are in this part,... otherwise a foliar is fine, used at half strength, with a wetting agent, spray tops and bottoms of leaves (best to pull her out into the open, it's messy),... make sure she's dry buy lights out, so maybe do this early in the "day"..... let me know what the label says, NPK #'s too,....
Thanks for the confirmation!

AN micro has manganese, iron, boron, cal, mag, and nitrogen, the 'grow' has the sulfur, magnesium, potash..

Today she'll get 2L with 2ml/L of all 3 g/m/b, adjusted to 5.8. @Waira - to clarify, when you're saying 1/4 strength for foliar, do you mean of their recipe (=1ml/L or mine =1/2ml/L)
--- half, as mentioned, and use both.... AN is pretty mild, so not that much dilution is needed,.. but the wetting agent, or mild soap like castille, (no fragrance) is key to making it more effective,.. most of the stomata are in fact underneath the leaves, not on top, and that's the only way into the plant via leaves.... add just enough to make the solution spray on evenly and stick, not just bead up,.. test it out first, usually about 1tsp/gal is enough....