Grow Mediums Autopot first run questions

Jun 28, 2022
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What kind of nutrients do most run? Do you run them in the reservoir? I’m having issues of yellow leaves and some brown spots. Also have some kind of build up in the aqua valve area. I’d like to send to flower soon any guidance is greatly appreciated.

ak47 photos week 8 of grow
Fox farm happy frog soil
Clay pebbles on bottom
Advanced nutrients coco grow part A/B
2nd week of cal mag


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Yikes. I would get that buildup and Aquavalve cleaned out asap. As far as nutrient issues, it certainly looks low in N but I would post this in the Infirmary to get advice on a correction.

I am currently running an Autopot/coco grow with a prilled nutrient (Grow Dots) mixed in. It's water only (other than CalMag to 70 pmm) precisely to avoid salt build up and clogging. It's going well so far but I haven't hit flower yet, so we'll see. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Thanks for the reply @CannabisMingus
Have you ever fed nutrients via the reservoir? I was running ILGM nutrients and had a similar issue with clogging but that could’ve been my fault as I had a airstone in the reservoir. That resulted in a gelatinous mess! Do most run nutrients designed for hydroponic systems? If so how does that fair when you are running soil?
Running 6 auto pots in my tent, FFHF soil, Mega Crop 1 part w/ epsom, no airstone and yes, a bit of a build up in res and trays, not like your are showing though.....I do a complete tear down and cleaning in between runs. t\Tried using AN's pH perfect once and had issues with defficiences so went back to MC. Present run I had one plant go wonky out of the 6 with no problems with the other 5. One thing I didn't see was what your res/feed pH level was, I only mix 4 gal at a time for the res as I found with more it has time to drift in 4 gal it gets used up in 2 days so every other day they are getting fresh batch of properly pH'd feed... thanks for the reply. I mix 3 gallons at a time and refill reservoir when close to empty. PH in res and near Autopot valve around 6.3. My res is about empty. I’ll clean today and switch over to ILGMs flower nutrients I already have to see how the ladies like it. I’m a noob so learning a lot. I’ll check out MC nutrients.
If you do clean your trays, best way I've found is to turn off valve and just lift the pots, turn a 1/4 turn and let them rest on the corners for an hour or so... then I pull em out and place in tubs outside tent...keeps drips and spillage to a minimum......when you put cleaned trays back in the grow area, place pots back in BEFORE turning on the res valve...learned the hard way, lol.
Have you ever fed nutrients via the reservoir?
No - this Autopot run is my first one and it's water only. I usually run DWC or LOS. Good luck! thanks for the tip. I didn’t get any shutoff valves with my system I did clean the trays, valves, and reservoir today. Everything is filled back up with ILGM flowertime nutrients and some calmag. It’s amazing the amount of salt buildup that I cleaned out.
@CannabisMingus thanks….this is my first grow all the way around thanks for the tip. I didn’t get any shutoff valves with my system I did clean the trays, valves, and reservoir today. Everything is filled back up with ILGM flowertime nutrients and some calmag. It’s amazing the amount of salt buildup that I cleaned out.
@CannabisMingus thanks….this is my first grow all the way around
original system should have come with one vale at least...I have since gotten more and have one at each pot now too.