Dutch Passion Automazar by KO & co

Nice one Ko.. Show em' how it's done mate.. :five: :hot:
.lol your going to be so wasted ... nom nom
O yeah I was really wasted 6h and than sleep :D, really stoned sleep :face:
Hey Ko, how much wood would a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood? :grin:
F...k dude, just before I was thinking to reply to vira I read this and it killed me, 1h of laughing with my wife. First I read it and than she :D :crying::roflcry::rofl:
You ok KO.....how do you feel........lets us when you wake up
Man this was the first time I tried edibles and I'm so glad it was made by me with my weed (because i have energy weed and motivating weed) It made one of the best experiences in my life :D
did you enjoy your sleep bro
Dude the crazy dreams :tunes:
I recon he'll wake around noon on Sunday... Way to go Ko ...Complete overkill
12h sleep dude :D
Nice one Ko.. Show em' how it's done mate..
Yeah I made it a little bit to strong :p, but I like it this way :smoke:
Well done on first run of canna butter, bet your own bud was great. MAX:slap:
Well done on first run of canna butter, bet your own bud was great. MAX
I didn't tried another yet and it is quiet difficult to judge mine :p. But it is for sure strong one spoon and you are ready for the long ride :D
For the eas of use here you can see all the pics : before chop
Chop chop
<<--- clickable "MysticMossy"

Please do not replay to this post let it be the last one, thanks for watching

:Sharing One:"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"
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