Automatic Jack Herer. 10 days old.


Stark Raving Sane
May 22, 2016
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Hi everybody! Today is day 10 for my automatic jack herer. This is my first grow and I'm hoping for some input on what has been an ongoing issue or issues from what I believe is the very beginning. I have searched the internet as well as the forums here quite extensively over the past week or so in regards to some of the things I've been seeing with her health. Because she is so young, it is hard to really pinpoint any one thing as most symptoms are usually described in later stages of vegetation or stages of flowering. The closest descriptions/ images I've come across resemble phosphorous deficiency, but again with her age I'm guessing it has more to do with ph levels of her medium. Even so I'm not quite sure that is the case either because she has very obviously been growing and still doesn't really match what I've seen. She was germinated in and has never been anywhere other than a 20 gallon smart pot. Pot contains 2.5 cubic feet of FF bush doctor coco loco. 50 ounces of additional coco coir and 8 ounces of additional organic perlite. Her smart pot sits on an open face 20 inch boomerang caddy to allow for drainage and airflow under her pot. Her tent is 32”x32”x63” and has 2 vents on each side that remain open. She has a 4” personal fan attached to a corner post. It only rotates manually so it is positioned to blow air slightly off to her side/ top. ViparSpectra Reflector-Series 300W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum. Running 24/0. Currently 30 inches above canopy. I raised light roughly 6 inches about 18 hours ago. The light keeps the temp at a pretty steady 77 degrees. I've seen lows of 72 degrees though. Humidity fluctuates between upper 60s and 70s. I’ve been using bottled RO water. I have 2 ph pens and never can get consistantly accurate readings (user is inexperienced) but I believe water is 6.8. I’ve seen quite a few opinions on what the pH of my water should be in this medium and still have yet to get a straight answer. I will never use it again. I've also heard recently FF has been acidic. I have ordered an accurate 8 ph probe which I paid extra shipping to have by today as I've been waiting to ask for help until I could give you an accurate reading. I know it's necessary but UPS has stood me up. I won't vent my extreme frustration in regards to that here though. I've decided to go ahead and post regardless and will update the ph when UPS decides to show up. She initially had helmet head and then continued to have her seed case stuck on her stem, so I was misting the first few days. Even after she got her leaves out and open, one leaf was stuck to what appeared to be a reddish gooey substance inside the seed case. I'm afraid of over watering, so I believe her pot has been more dry than not. I have had a moisture meter but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work. It could be the operator, but it's just a cheapo probe that no matter what I put it in barely moves from dry. So other than the initial daily misting, I gave her a liter of water on day 3. Her pot was very dry and I've heard this strain happens be very thirsty. I only watered right around the middle and came nowhere close to saturating her pot or achieving any run off. Her seed case fell off several hours later and she was finally able to stand up straight. On day 6 (Saturday) I gave her 2 cups of water with 0.14 ml of AN pH perfect micro, grow, and bloom. About 2 hours later I gave her an additional 2 cups of plain RO water. Again only in the center of her pot. She hasn't had any other water or nutrients until last night. I gave her 2 cups of RO water with 1 ml of organic root drench. When her seed case finally fell off and her first set of leaves were coming in, I thought she looked strange. That first set of leaves has always appeared to be missing its tips and started to darken around the edges early on. I also noted I had a dark spot on the cotyledon that had been stuck to the case. I hoped that after giving her some water and a very small amount of the nutrients on Saturday that she would straighten herself out. Although at that point I still wasn’t even sure that anything was wrong. Her next set of leaves started to come in more and I could see right away that they were red! And then yesterday her first set of leaves started getting the splotches. I had checked on her just a few hours before and there were none so it was somewhat shocking. It was several hours after the splotches that I gave her water. I have tons of pictures and am including some here so that you can see the progression of what has happened. I appreciate any and all advice. I have discovered that this is something that I truly enjoy and would like to continue. Just the act of growing seems to be good for my health. Thanks for any advice or input in advance!






Her seed case fell off here.








Wow, that's weird... it sort of looks like a possible cross between splashing nutes on her and the light magnifying effect of having droplets on her.

Hmmm... that center coloring is strange indeed.
Great pics by the way.....

She looks like she started showing that center coloring on day 4
Wow, that's weird... it sort of looks like a possible cross between splashing nutes on her and the light magnifying effect of having droplets on her.

Hmmm... that center coloring is strange indeed.
I actually put a cup over her when I gave her that small dose of nutes on Saturday so that I wouldn't splash her! I think I posted pics of it in my journal.
I actually put a cup over her when I gave her that small dose of nutes on Saturday so that I wouldn't splash her! I think I posted pics of it in my journal.

Oh I was just sort of thinking out loud .... that center coloring is what I'm stuck on. I do seem to remember seeing something similar at some point in my life but I can't remember it for the life of me. It might just be a weakened plant... I don't know....