Day 40
Its been a while since an update, partly because I've had exams, and partly because I've been revising for my exams in my garden, and seeing the plants everyday means I haven't noticed how much theyve grown

Here are some pics from just now:
The AutoFrisian Dew, a fair bit smaller than the green poison, has a nice herby smell to it
The Green Poison Auto, its bigger, but hasn't looked as happy in the past few days
GP on left, AFD on right. You can see how much stretching theres been, especially on the GP :/ Theres been a lot more sun and warmth recently so hopefully the stretching will stop. Also theres a purple hue on the main stem, looks kinda cool
This is on the AFD, I accidentally broke the leaf while moving it, you can see new growth on that node though, I didn't know grown happened on the first 1 fingered leaf node
Back to the GP, not looking so good

The leaf has the typical curl from N def I think, but I think its just an insect that bit a small hole in the leaf and its sort of bent down and grown weirdly around it. The black things at the top of the stem are fly larvae :/ I pushed about 5 flys sleeping there off lol, I don't think theyre eating the plant, theyre just small black flys, killed it all anyway
The net where they sleep at night

I move them to different parts of the garden in the day so they get maximum direct sunlight, strawberry plant in the other pot
Some cool plants in my garden, the flowers are poppies, theres also spearmint and jasmine in there. I'm germing the last 2 AFD seeds, and also 2 mystery seeds given to me, which I'll probably put in that herb patch
Lastly, I think the plants are growing at normal speed now, just about 2-3 weeks behind because of the shit temps and conditions at early stages.