Dutch Passion AutoFrisian Dew + Green Poison Auto Grow [UK Outdoor]

@DANK: yea for 2 plants id see if you can get a smaller more inconspicuous one. as for water put some buckets out for rainwater or buy some cheap ph down like i did. its also good to leave your tap water outside for a few hours/a day so it can naturally distill.

@insert name here: yeah ive got a few lights going, they are a hell of a lot better than growing outside but more costly and stinky :P
Went to check for a cfl and the sun came out, clear blue sky :D gotta love England


As for the greenhouse, I've got some glass lying around so I might try make my own, got plenty of time now days
Just a heads up on your other beans, i germinated some tds last summer solstice time , 25th june, and they didnt finish, 1st week of crap weather in sept moulded them inside to out. Unless your getting a greenhouse or willing to bring them in you should think about germinating them next week sometime.
Hope alls well, ps there is alot of rain here today and its heading east to England !
Day 40

Its been a while since an update, partly because I've had exams, and partly because I've been revising for my exams in my garden, and seeing the plants everyday means I haven't noticed how much theyve grown :o Here are some pics from just now:


The AutoFrisian Dew, a fair bit smaller than the green poison, has a nice herby smell to it


The Green Poison Auto, its bigger, but hasn't looked as happy in the past few days


GP on left, AFD on right. You can see how much stretching theres been, especially on the GP :/ Theres been a lot more sun and warmth recently so hopefully the stretching will stop. Also theres a purple hue on the main stem, looks kinda cool :D


This is on the AFD, I accidentally broke the leaf while moving it, you can see new growth on that node though, I didn't know grown happened on the first 1 fingered leaf node :toke:


Back to the GP, not looking so good :( The leaf has the typical curl from N def I think, but I think its just an insect that bit a small hole in the leaf and its sort of bent down and grown weirdly around it. The black things at the top of the stem are fly larvae :/ I pushed about 5 flys sleeping there off lol, I don't think theyre eating the plant, theyre just small black flys, killed it all anyway


The net where they sleep at night :) I move them to different parts of the garden in the day so they get maximum direct sunlight, strawberry plant in the other pot :)


Some cool plants in my garden, the flowers are poppies, theres also spearmint and jasmine in there. I'm germing the last 2 AFD seeds, and also 2 mystery seeds given to me, which I'll probably put in that herb patch :)

Lastly, I think the plants are growing at normal speed now, just about 2-3 weeks behind because of the shit temps and conditions at early stages.

lets hope they will move at a faster pace with some summer sun.
Update time :hug:

Day 49 (week 7)


It seems to be going pretty well overall, theyre growing faster now, the smaller one (AFD) has sexed :) I've beening giving full doses of nutes @ 10:4:4 and some tomato fertilizer on top of that

First picture is of the other 2 AFDs I germed, the one in the center looks kinda deformed, 3 leaves?

Third pic is the AFD sexed :D

Now for the issues :no:

4th pic shows weird marks on the leaves, not sure what these are from, need some help with it... They're on the lower leaves of both plants, and I think its making its way up the plant

5th pic shows weird slightly deformed leaves growing, not sure if this is normal or not, but in general the leaves on the green poison auto arent symmetrical :(

That's it for now :D :peace: peace guys

Edit: Forgot to add, weather has been OK, 17C on average, bit of rain. There was a shit load of hail yesterday for like 15 minutes but they withstood it fine :) Also, strangely, aphids and flys have fucked off now, usually there were 3 or 4 on the leaves each morning, now none :D
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Looking good mate, good luck, im trying some FD's outside in uk aswell :) fingers crossed for better weather!
Week 8
Not much to say this week, things are going alright, weather isn't great but isn't too bad either :gthumb:

Up first, the sweet seeds GP auto, blowing in the wind a bit, no sign of sexing yet :O


Then the slightly smaller AFD :D


Calyxs on the AFD, slightly off-focus but seems an alright close-up


Plus! A fucking 4 leaf clover I noticed in another pot, 1 in 10,000 that is, good sign :peace:
