Autoflower Super Soil Thread

Let me see if I can make this more clear here. First off, high brix/ nutrient dense / biodynamic growing all falls under the same thing. It is based on the principle that our soil and farming practices in they way they operate now have damaged our soil in a way that is causing disease not only in our plants but in us. Plants and humans function almost exactly the same. This movement is the future of rebuilding a broken symbiotic link between plants and soil and thus fixing us through eating nutrient dense food. It does not specifically relate to liquid or dry nutrients. However, at the state our soil is in, it is a requirement in almost all situations and works much better as a foliar feed. As the nutrients are 100% available to the plant. This nutrients consist of a blend of 100% organic rock dust, humates, bio char, and specific forms of minerals in their natural phosphate forms. Remineralization is at the core of this movement. Minerals in our soil are responsible for almost all the enzymatic and amino acid functions in soil and plants. This conversely relates to plant growth, yields, and immunity which directly relates to soil health. So yes this is related to tlo but unless each batch of your tlo is soil tested and you have closed the missing links to create a 100% biodynamic growing environment in your soil. You will need to add some kind of nutrient supplement to it is what I am saying. I am pretty sure that some of you use rock dust and bio chars in your tlo's but if you dont, you should. Your bennies will thank you for it.

Now as for my test grow, I am using a liquid high brix nutrient, that contains everything a plant and the soil needs that is not water soluble and 100% available form. I have added nothing else to my sunshine #4 mix at all. This regime is actually building a stronger soil by making the plants stronger. In this symbiotic relationship, I feed the plant, the plant feeds the soil and the circle continues. No different than tlo made properly. Also these nutes can be used with tlo to make a stronger soil for the future as well. I hope that helps EoF, as I know you can't read the pages upon pages of research because of your eyes :thumbs: I can go on and on about this and JM can make your brain explode but it really is a very simple, safe, and effective way of fixing a completely broken natural system.. Including areas and soil heavily treated with chemicals :check:

oh my god!!! you said this so well!!!

I'll add ... biology is the core key between ALL these nutritional relationships... they are sort of the interface between the nutrients in the soil (the digestive tract of the plant) and the plant itself (which produces sugars from photosynthesis and feeds sugars and other exudates to the soil biology, giving them the energy to crack the soil minerals apart, process them, then excrete them for the plants to then take back up to continue the process) Nature is so effing cool!

there are 90 essential nutrients thus far discovered... lets take cobalt... adequate cobalt inhibits senescence in a plant. if a plant never ages, it can go on producing. Take cucumbers for example. Typical cucumber production they expect 4 weeks from a plant. then its done... with adequate cobalt... you can get 8 weeks. double your production time.
so essentially this is a soil repair and booster type of thing for a depleated or less than averagely balanced tlo soil.?because Im learning how to build humic acid among others.thats a very long and arduous journey n sounds like that product is basically a repair booster.interesting.and the tlo ,wouldnt it piss them off if you had a pre existing balanced method(blend of soil/Recipe) thats proven to work,and if you added that wouldnt you have to make soil FOR that balanced addition into your soil,hence it would by design change the very fundimental properties of the recipe..?wouldnt adding them to an existing soil with improved benefits from the same recipe,indeed be lessened by that fact?? Sounds like a stellar thing hands down.Thank you Dub for clearing that up.I was curious as to what that was you were using.Thanks!
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A4 has been dialing in a perfect balanced soil (send to lab occasionally to see where he's at) he has gotten it down pretty damn good!

check out his grows on that.... and look at his list of amendments... its a loooong list.... but thats what it takes if you wanna MAKE a soil thats close to perfect.

I like the liquids for now.... however... its better to have BOTH.
so essentially this is a soil repair and booster type of thing for a depleated or less than averagely balanced tlo soil.?because Im learning how to build humic acid among others.thats a very long and arduous journey n sounds like that product is basically a repair booster.interesting.and the tlo ,wouldnt it piss them off if you had a pre existing balanced method(blend of soil/Recipe) thats proven to work,and if you added that wouldnt you have to make soil FOR that balanced addition into your soil,hence it would by design change the very fundimental properties of the recipe..?wouldnt adding them to an existing soil with improved benefits from the same recipe,indeed be lessened by that fact?? Sounds like a stellar thing hands down.Thank you Dub for clearing that up.I was curious as to what that was you were using.Thanks!

My opinion on the entire thing, just my opinion. We use too many acronyms and catch phrases: TLO, Supersoil, High Brix, Remineralization, Organics. So it makes things difficult for people to understand and even more difficult for newer growers to understand. Which is why so many people don't jump into organics or true living soil in the first place. Once again, my opinion, because they think we have to be some kind of witch doctor to grow without bottled nutrients. We have to have perfect alignment of the moon phases and we need to bury a chicken's foot in the southwest corner of the garden and pray to rah on the second Saturday in March.

At the end of the day we are either growing organic or chemical. Plain and simple. The fun(read confusing) part comes in when we begin to drive down into organics. It doesn't have to be that confusing, we all make it that way.

High Brix is nothing more than a standard by which to measure our vegetables, fruits. The gardener is using nutrient drenches and foliar feeding in an attempt to raise the brix reading in plant. Brix is nothing more than an amount of carbohydrate and mineral content of the plant. The thought is, the higher the carbohydrate and mineral content, the healthier the plant and soil. Here is the thing, if a gardener isn't using a refractometer to test brix levels then we have no idea how each drench and foliar feed is affecting the soil and plant. The same as me testing my soil at a lab. Without testing, it is all just guessing.

Ideally, when using proper soil you will no longer have to use soil drenches and foliar feedings to achieve those high brix levels. I spoke with one of the gurus on remineralization that uses brix as a standard back before Summer started. His inclination was soil testing and brix readings to achieve proper mineral/nutrient levels. Of course, we will have to reamend the soil after every grow to keep levels optimal but that should be quite simple once the testing has been done to know exactly how much amendments we need.

The only other thing I will say on the subject is BEWARE when researching high brix gardening. There are several that rely on chemical nutrients to achieve high brix readings. So just because someone says they are using a "High Brix" style doesn't necessarily mean they are growing organically. Not JM of course, he is devoted to true organics and has helped me tremendously, but there are a few that are out there that do.
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If anyone stumbles on to this thread midway and haven't read from the beginning no high brix nutrients have been used in my grow. This is all a side discussion happening here. Thanks for stopping in.
No big deal, just wanted to acknowledge that.

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