Nutrients Autoflower & super soil help

Mar 15, 2018
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So I'm planning on planting a few autoflower seeds during these upcoming months however I'm located in the UK and will be doing this outdoor using sunlight (of course this is frowned upon) therefore I'll be planting the seeds in a secluded but we'll lit location which I have acquired. I don't want to be heading to this location very often to feed the plant I would prefer to start of the seedling indoors and then plant it in said location and come back when ready for harvest or when it may need watering. I have been reading about super soil that contains the nutrients the plant needs however during early stages it can burn the plant (correct me if wrong) I was wondering if I could create a mixture of super soil and regular soil to kind of weaken the nutrient concentration. Towards the bottom of the pot it would be higher concentrated, if not fully super soil at the bottom, at the top where the seedling is growing maybe a 1:4 super soil to soil ratio and have it increase in concentration as the roots reach down? Any advice on this? Could it be as simple as using a 5L pot, bottom have all super soil, top half being 1 part super soil 2 part regular soil? Let me know (ps first time growing)
I have found BioBuzz 'Light-Mix' which is described as suitable for starting off seedlings for the first two weeks, would I be able to fill a 5L pot 3/4 of the BioBuzz all-mix and then add the light-mix above, the seed will grow fine in the light mix, roots will expand after two weeks and reach the more nutrient concentrated soil right?
As always, there are many variables at play. Most pre bought super soils come with instructions that are based on the strength of the mix. Then you have to factor in the nutrients that will be included in the soil you are using it with. Are you growing outdoors in pots or are you transplanting into the ground?
As always, there are many variables at play. Most pre bought super soils come with instructions that are based on the strength of the mix. Then you have to factor in the nutrients that will be included in the soil you are using it with. Are you growing outdoors in pots or are you transplanting into the ground?
I am growing outdoors in pots hoping to not have to frequently visit to feed hence the super soils :/
I am growing outdoors in pots hoping to not have to frequently visit to feed hence the super soils :/
If in pots I would have thought you would be visiting a lot to water them. In the summer I am watering pots once a week outside.

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I thought it would be the opposite - pots retain the water fed to them therefore I wouldn't need to visit so often?
Speaking of which, watering once a week is not too bad, the seeds I'm planning on using will harvest in 6 week's so that's only a matter of 6 visits during which I'll apply maintenance to the plant if needed. This should be okay