Autoflower day 38 - not flowering

So those 80-90 days they say from seed to harvest are irrealistic? Cuz if she keeps a couple more days or weekks in veg and then has 7-8 week of flower she will take around 110 days! :(

The ladies you had that went straight to full flower, how long did they veg? +\-

Since she' still small, I'll just be patient with her, still have some vertical room in the tent, but I confess I'm a bit worried.

But overal, does she seems healthy and happy to you?

Smaller indicas and forgotten strawberries that im running now went veg to flower around 40 then just packed bud. Seems healthy they never look happy when tied down at first but she will grow to like it.
Thanks for the help! :)

Here she is, today, day 38 when i got back from work.

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I think I'll still wait a couple more day, since she's a single child in my tent and has been kind of a small grower so far, as you can see, she's not very tall. I've been trying to make her flat and bushy, trying to keep a flat canopy.

What's you tought of her?

Thanks! :D

I think she is beautiful...
Here's my current grow at day 43, just, maybe, on the verge of flowering. I say be patient, it'll happen
Thanks for the help mates!!

You eased my concerns :D last night in my last visit to the tent before going to bed, it seemed like 2 small pistils were trying to appear on the lattest side branches from the top. My hope went up a bit more! Now I can't wait to get home from work to see if they developped today, and if they're really pistils or not.

For the second grow I will already know that it can take a while longer that what the seed bank says.

I dunno if it has any influence or not, but on day 20, when I started lst I took 4 fan leaves off, and noticed she got slower growth during 2-3 days... Probably the shock also slowed her down and pushed the bloom a little bit later.

Here's my current grow at day 43, just, maybe, on the verge of flowering. I say be patient, it'll happen

Your lady looks beautifull!! I can count 16/17 possible tops! :D I only hope mine will look like that in 4 days :p she's an Auto as well?

I think she is beautiful...

Thanks LittleMT, giving me a ego boost once again :D

Remember when she was just a small baby?

Happy grows guys! :D
Thanks for the help mates!!

Your lady looks beautifull!! I can count 16/17 possible tops! :D I only hope mine will look like that in 4 days :p she's an Auto as well?

Yep, OG Kush auto from Seedsman.