Week 7 Update
Temp around 73-80°F
RH about 45-52%
Everything seems to be doing ok! Been feeding lots of PK, and so far pretty good....doesn't seem to be progressing...at least not at a concerning rate!

Thank goodness!
The smells are delightful! They all smell amazing! Not super strong yet, but within a few feet, you get nice hints of dank, fuely aromas. Rub a leaf or accidentally brush a forearm across a bud, and you get a really good whiff!

MBAP is the source of most of the dankness smell...Skywalker adds the chemical fuel smell, and Bubbly Livers gives off just a skunky, meaty, cheesy smell....and the 3BOG has kind of a sweet, almost syrup smell...with a rich creamy vibe I pick up. Anxious to find out what the next couple, 3 weeks have in store!
Already ready for the next grow! Lol.
I will be trying the brown bag method for drying this round for the first time! The way I have always done it, is suspend wire end to end through a card board box, and hang them inside. Always dry in 2 or 3 days...I'm hoping the brown bags slow the dry time down a bit.
Once again...thanks for tuning in!